Chapter 17- Back Home

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"Conor stop please!" I tried saying in between laughs as Conor tickled me. 

It had been three months since the accident and Conor and I couldn't be better. We had been spending as much time together as possible with his busy scheduale, making music and recording with my uncle. I had been coming to work with my uncle everyday to do my job and considering Conor had also been recording a lot I got to see him often. He was busy recording a new album but it was taking a long time. He said it was because he wanted it to be absolutely perfect for his fans because they have been waiting so long for a new album, which I believe, but I also think it's because he wants to see me more. 

I had been thinking of my parents a lot but in a good way. It doesn't hurt everytime I think of them anymore even though I miss them so much. Liz is so much like my mom and Ben so much like my dad but it just makes me love them more and it's a better remembarence of my parents.

It was my birthday in about two weeks and Conor was planning on taking me back to Dublin a few days before to visit my parent's grave but he assured me that we would be back in time for my birthday party, which I didn't know about but Conor let slip by accident. I told them all I didn't want a birthday party but they insisted. I didn't really know anyone here so it would basically just be Conor, my cousins, Liz, Ben and Eddie. Conor said that he would invite his friends as well but with our first meeting I wasn't sure if they would want to come. Conor said he would also invite his family which I didn't mind because they were great people, just so that there would be more people. I didn't mind that I didn't really know anyone here because I hadn't tried to get to know anyone. There were a few people at work that I had befriended and Ben said I should invite them, so I will. 

"Never!" He said, laughing at me laughing as he continued tickling me. I had mistakingly told him that I was very ticklish but as I saw the look in his eyes, the look that he was about to be evil and tickle me, I warned him that I would kick him if he did so but he didn't listen and proceeded to tickle me anyway. I was about to kick him gently when he managed to grab my leg before I could. He took that as a sign to stop and I lay on my bed trying to catch my breath. "Have you had your fun now?" I asked him jokingly and he nodded with a mischevous grin on his face. 

"Are you excited for next week?" He asked me as he lay down on his side next to me. "Yeah, it's going to be great. Scared though. One because I hate flying and two because, well, I'll be seeing my parents grave. I did nothing but cry the last time I was there and I don't want you seeing me like that" I explained and he just laughed.

"You look perfect to me no matter what state you're in Kate. I love you" I had loved Conor almost since the beginning but I was always too scared to tell him because I didn't want to rush things but now Conor said it first and I just smiled like an idiot. "I love you too" I finally said and leaned a little closer to kiss him. He lay down on his back and I lay my head down on his chest. He put his arm around and I felt safe, falling asleep in his arms like that as I had done so many nights before. 


*1 week later* 

 "Ready?" Conor asked as he came up to my room. It was six days before my birthday and Conor and I were going to Dublin for five days. He said it was his treat, a special birthday present and that was the end of that. I was excited and sad at the same time. It's going to be great to be back in Dublin, I'll maybe even get to see some of my old mates and to be going there with Conor is even better but I'm scared to see my parent's grave. I miss them so much and I don't know what's going to happen when I go to where they are buried. 

"Almost. I just have a few more things to pack" I said as I walked into the bathroom to get a few things. I walked back out and saw Conor inspecting my bag. It was a bit large I'll admit but I didn't want to be unprepapred. 

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