Chapter 13- Labels

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"Ready to give it another shot?" Conor asked me as sat on my bed. 

"Give what another shot?" I asked him innocently, as if I had no idea what he was referring to, but I did. 

"Spending time with my friends. They haven't really spoken to me much about you and about yesterday but I know they'd be willing to give it another chance for you to get to know them and for them to get to know you" Conor gave me a huge smile but I looked away. He knows I would do anything for him with that smile but this I can't. It was only yesterday that I met Conor's friends for the first time and it didn't go well at all. Now he wants me to meet up with them again. 

"I don't know Conor. I saw them yesterday, don't you think it's a bit soon? And besides we still have to figure out what exactly we are. Yesterday was a bit of a disaster" I said, folding some clothes to put them away. 

"We are, well we're us" He said, smiling brightly at me again. "That doesn't really answer my question Conor" I sighed, sitting down next to him on the bed. "Why do we have to put a label on it Kate? Why can't we just, well, be?" He asked, getting up to the window. I could tell he was getting frustrated, maybe I shouldn't push him so hard but that's just the way I am. 

"I don't mean to push it, but it's making me a little crazy wondering what exactly we're doing. You kissed me, I broke up with Eddie to be with you, you took me to your special spot and we had a great time, you took me to meet your friends and I was fine with everything until yesterday..." I know I was being pushy, but I wasn't trying to start a fight I was just trying to get some answers out of Conor. I care about him so much. The way he acted with me yesterday, it made me feel as if he was embarrassed to be calling me his girlfriend, if I even was that. 

"I have to go Kate. The boys and I are going out tonight, this club across from where we went yesterday so if you want to join us you can. If you don't then, whatever. See you when I see you" And with that he left, slamming the door behind him. I had made him angry with all my pushing, regretting doing that as soon as he'd left. Maybe he was right, why must we put a label on what we have. As long as we enjoy each other's company right? I wanted Conor to call me his girlfriend but if he doesn't want to put a label on it then I'll just have to accept that. 

After a few minutes of deciding whether or not to go to the club tonight I decided to go. Apologise to Conor for being so pushy and besides it will be good for me to get out of the house and have a little fun. 

Conor didn't say what time he would be going but I decided to leave at eight. I left my hair naturally curly, as it was, put on dark jeans and a top, not too fancy. Ben and Liz agreed happily to let me go out tonight but acted all parent-like telling me not to drink too much or do anything irresponsible. I reassured then I wouldn't be doing any of that and I left a little before eight. 

I got to the club and saw Conor by the bar hanging on his friends, Oliver and Jeremy, drinks in hand. I took a deep breath before walking over to them. 

Anth waved to me from the corner and I waved back with a smile. He and Kyle were dancing with some girls, looking like they were having a great time. 

I walked over to Conor and his friends but they took no notice of me. I had to raise my voice a little to get Conor's attention. He turned around, almost falling over. I could tell he had had quite a few drinks. His eyes were all red and he got extra loud when he realised it was me standing behind him. Oliver and Jeremy gave me awkward nods before walking off to join Kyle and Anth. 

"Kate! You came" He sort of slurred, putting his arm around me, bringing me closer to him and the bar. 

 "How much have you had to drink? How did you even get drinks?" I asked right into his ear so that he would be able to hear me. 

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