Chapter 1

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Previously on Dirty Little Secret

"Please, Boobear... We were supposed to have a future together. Grow old together. Have children together. Please, Lou. I'm begging you. You were my infinity. You're half of my heart. You made me feel alive. You stole my heart and made me strong. What we have is something great, please... Don't do this... You gave my life meaning. You've brought so much to my life once I got out of prison... Direction. Beauty. Meaning. Don't... Please..." Harry sobbed out, pleading for his blue eyed boy to come back to him.

Louis just shook his head and pulled the trigger.

"I love you..." Harry whispered...


"Louis! Louis what the fuck did you just do?" Liam shouted.

Louis was blank. Emotionless. Hands gripping the gun tightly. He couldn't move. Barely hearing any of the words the others were saying.

"What the fuck!?" Niall shouted, running to Harry's side, holding the bleeding to death boy tightly. Not caring about the blood that'll soon be staining his clothes, never to get washed out.

Zayn rushed over to Harry's motionless body as well, blood was dripping out of the poor boys mouth.
"Fuck." Zayn breathed out. "He needs a hospital if he's going to even have the slightest chance at surviving."

"Louis!" Liam shouted, shaking the boys shoulders roughly, brining him back to reality. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" He said shaking his head.

Louis dropped the gun to the ground, hands shaking, body trembling with fear. He looked down at Harry. The boys he's come to love. Too clouded by revenge to even realize what he was doing. Too distracted by Stans brainwashing words. Too fucked up from being off his pills.


Stan is the one who started this all, the sick bastard. Jealous of Louis new found love. Jealous of someone else having the attention he's always craved. Hearing that Harry would be in town and living right next to Louis. He knew the boy would fall for him. He knew Harry's history. He knew Louis' father and sister were in the fire. So he had to make sure Harry would suffer. Suffer because he's such a terrible man. Louis was sad for so many years after the passing of his father and sister. It angered Stan that someone would do such a thing.

He needed to get revenge on who this person was.

Harry was that person. Harry was the one who caused Louis such depression and stress. Harry was the murderer. Harry was the one to make Louis fall in love. Harry swept the boy off his feet. HarryHarryHarry.

The boy who's slowly dying as we speak.

"Fuck. Ambulance!" Niall shouted, pulling out his phone.

"Don't!" Stan shouted. "Don't you fucking do it, you Irish bastard." He threatened, pointing a gun towards the poor, frightened blonde boy.

"He's going to die!"


"No!!!" Louis shouted. Finally having the strength to find his voice. "No. No. No. No. He can't die. Fuck!" He exclaimed and turned to Stan. "Fuck you! Fuck you! I fucking hate you! You made me do this. You made me a fucking psycho! You made me not take my Damn pills!" He said and ran over to the boy, tackling him to the ground. "You made me kill the only person I've ever truly loved! What? And for what? Huh!?" He shouted and punched Stan directly in the face. "Because you're a jealous fucking freak!" He said and starting hitting him with so much power and force.

Liam watched the outburst with wide eyes. Stans men all scattered, not wanting any chance at being caught by the police or anything if they were to be called.

"Louis." Liam said and gripped the boy by his waist, pulling him off of a bloody faced Stan.

Louis' breathing was shaky, hands bloody and knuckles already bruising. Eyes filled with tears, face red with anger. "If Harry fucking dies. I will find you. And I will kill you." Louis growled as Stan quickly stood and ran out of the house.

Niall had managed to call the ambulance, but with no luck, he was cut off mid ring. He phone losing signal since they're so far out into the woods.

Harry's breathing was only getting weaker.

Minutes away from dying.

"We need to get him to hospital." Zayn said in a shaky voice.

Liam nodded, "Quick. Let's get him to the car." Niall and Zayn nodded, lifting Harry carefully off the ground. Away from the pool of blood that was surrounding them. Louis followed then quickly out to the car.

"Woah. Where do you think you're going?" Zayn said harshly as they laid Harry in the back seat.

"Please. Let me come. I'll try to stop the bleeding as much as I can." Louis pleaded.

"You're the damn reason we're even in this mess!" Zayn yelled and shoved Louis roughly to the ground. "He's going to die! Because of you!" He growled.

Louis shook his head as he began to cry, "Please.. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Fuck. Please just let me help!"

"You've done enough, Tomlinson."


A/N I'm baccckkkkk.

So, thoughts? Should I continue...? Or nah?

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