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Harry was sitting at the park, it's four in the morning. Two days before he and Nick celebrate their One Year anniversary. Cigarette in his mouth as he swings lightly back and fourth. Feet dragging on the ground and he blows the smoke out slowly.

"Can't sleep?"

Harry looks up to see an old pal, Zayn. He hasn't seen him in a while. He gives the boy a forced smile and shrugs, offering him a cigarette. Zayn kindly waves him off.

"What's wrong?" He questions softly as he takes the swing next to Harry and begins moving back and fourth just a bit.

Harry sighs and stays quiet for a moment. He looks up at the sky and chews on his bottom lip for a moment. "Do you ever..." He trails off and shakes his head, "Do you ever wonder where he is..?" He says quietly and looks over to Zayn.

Zayn hesitates for a moment before he realizes who Harry's talking about. "I do... All the time. I wonder if he's alright. But maybe it's best that he left. He was too mentally unstable and it was only dragging you down. If he would've stayed, you would have ended up dead. You know that, H." He says firmly.

"We could've helped him.."

"Been there. Done that. You've got to remember that the boys and I have known Lou-" Harry cringes visibly. "Sorry... We've known him much longer than you have."

"Yeah. I get that! But you don't know him like I fucking did! You weren't madly in love with him. You AREN'T madly in love with him." He says, obviously getting angry.

"Harry. Calm down. You've got Nick now." Zayn reminds him.

Harry stays quiet for a moment. He doesn't want to think about Nick. No. Not right now. "I saw Stan not too long ago.." He mumbles.

Zayn tenses. "Yeah?"

"Yeah.." Harry nods. "I should have fucking murdered him. I should have beat him to fucking death." He says, griping the chains on the swing tightly, his knuckles turning white. "But I didn't. I saw his gun and I froze. I was too scared that I'd get shot again. Fuck. I should've just went for it." He rants.

Zayn stays quiet, listening to the boys words.

"I miss him, Zayn.. I really do... But you're right. I've got Nick now. I need to move on from the past and enjoy my present. Look forward to the future.." He whispers quietly, clearly calming down.

Zayn nods in agreement. "You'll be okay, H. Nick and you are great together." He smiles.

Harry sighs, "Yeah... He's great. I do love him. But, just... I don't know. It's nothing like how I felt towards..." He trails off and let's out a shaky breath.

"You're right. Nothing will ever feel like what it was to be with him. But, that's okay... It was your first love. Those always hurt. But they're there to teach you a lesson. Prepare you for what happens next in life. What doesn't kill you, only makes you strong." He encourages.

"Or it paralyzes you for life..." Harry mumbled quietly. He pulls out his phone and looks at the time. Almost half past five. He should be getting home. "I better go... Nice seeing you.." He says quietly as he stands up slowly, throwing his burnt out cigarette to the ground.

Zayn nods, "Nice seeing you too, Curly." He says and stays seated on the swings as he watches Harry leave. He knows that boy will never get over him. But he has to. He needs to. Nobody really knows what happened that night at the hospital. It definitely wasn't good since it damaged the both of them so badly.

Louis ran away.

Harry hasn't been the same.

Harry slowly made his way back home, thinking about the past. How he wishes that night in the hospital ended on a better note. But, that's just it. It didn't and he can't change that. He can't take back what was said and make everything all better. Even if he wanted to, he wouldn't know how. He hasn't got a clue as to where his blue eyed boy even went. He barely even remembers what the boy looks like. Are his eyes even blue? That's just life I guess.

Everything happens for a reason, some reasons better than other reasons. Life has a shitty way of turning out. Not all endings are happy. This isn't some fairy tale where the Prince gets the Princess. No damsel in distressed will be saved any time soon.

Harry arrives at his house after what seems like forever. Just lost in his own thoughts.  He climbs up the wall carefully and quietly went through his window. Being careful not to knock anything over.

"Where were you?"

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