Chapter 19

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"Do you ever wonder why we're even still here? Why are we a thing? Are we even real? Is anything even real?" Mystery breaths out as they're laying in the grass, late at night, looking up at the stars.

Louis shrugs and stays quiet. He's not much a talker around people. Tonight's one of his... Bad nights, I guess you could say.

"You're really quiet.." She points out. "I like that about you.. You're mysterious.. Like me." She laughs. "I think that's why we get along so well. You never really talk, and I talk a lot. It's perfect." She nods.

Louis stays quiet.

"You know.." She breaths out. "I know absolutely nothing about you.. Only your name, Lost Boy," She winks, "And where you work. Other than that... I know nothing about you. You could be a serial killer for all I know."

Harry's a serial killer...

She sighs, "You don't really know anything about me either. Do you want to get to know me better?"

He doesn't really care.

"Of course you do. Everyone wants to get to know me... I'm a box of mysteries. But, I don't mind sharing my life with you. I know you won't tell anyone. I trust you." She nods.

I mean, he might tell his therapist, but that's about it. He's got no other friends. He had a lot of friends back in Doncaster. He used to he cool. But, now he's just a loser.

"I was born in Colorado, October 15th, 1998. So.. I'm only seventeen." She laughs. "I ran away from home when I was fifteen. I'm pretty sure nobody is looking for me. I live with some guy I met on the street... I was in need of a place.. He was in need of a worker.. So, surprise surprise... He sells me for sex.." She whispers. "I've got a lot of friends though... Some of the guys are really nice and we end up being friends after they've done their business with me.." She let's out a shaky breath.

Louis frowns deeply and looks over at her, he laces their hands together as he notices a few tears.

She smiles and blushes as Louis holds her hand. "I know this seems bad, but... The man I live with is really nice to me.. All the men are great. I don't live a bad life... Sure, at first I was really against it. But, after a few months I got used to it. After a year, I got addicted to all the sex. Now? I love it. I love how all the men treat me so well." She whispers. "If any of them ever mistreat me... He takes care of them, he doesn't kill them. But, he teaches them a lesson. His names Jack. He's great. We've got a nice house. I get everything I want. It's groovy.." She smiles.

Louis listens closely, he could tell that a part of her absolutely hates this..

"My favorite color is Pink." She nods, "I love horror movies. They're amazing. My favorite is the old Halloween movies. They're so retro and cool. I love Powerade. The blue one is my favorite. I'm addicted to dying my hair. I do it every two weeks. It's fun." She giggles. "I always look on the positive side to things. I don't see a point in dwelling over the negative. It's just a waste of energy, man. Be happy and stay rad. That's what I tell myself everyday." She smiles. "I've got another close friend. Her names Cindy. We talk every night. Kind of on nights like these..." She whispers.

Louis squeezes her hand lightly.

"You see? Up there.. The star shinning the brightest.." She lifts her hand and points with a shaky finger. "That's her... That's Cindy.. My best friend..." She whispers.

Louis feels his heart ache slightly.

"We met when I was 6 and she was 5. On the playground at park my mom used to take me to... I had fallen off the swing and landed on her sandcastle. She cried. I cried. It was great..." Mystery laughs sadly. "We held each other tightly as we said our apologizes. She was sorry that I fell off the swing and cut my knee. I was sorry that I ruined her castle.." She smiles fondly at the thought. "Out moms came and asked us why were were crying. They laughed at us and exchanged numbers so we could see each other again.."

Louis smiles a bit at the story.

"We spent every day together. Over the years, we only grew closer. We were inseparable. She was like a sister to me. We got tattoos together at the age of fourteen. Our parents were so mad." She laughs and pulls her hand away from Louis' pulling up her shirt and revealing her hip bone. "We actually got a few tattoos together. This was our first." She smiles. It's a heart with Cindy's name in the middle of it. "She got the exact same, but with my name." She smiles.

She puts her shirt down and then sits up, Louis following her actions. She pulls her knees to her chest and points to her bare ankle since she's in short shorts. "We got half hearts on our ankles." She smiles.

Louis smiles at the story, but patiently waits for the part he's kind of dreading to hear.

She clears her throat and looks back up to the sky, staying quiet for a few moments. "She died on August 5th.. Two months and ten days before my birthday... I was fourteen.. She was thirteen..." She says in a shaky voice. "I remember that day so well... I was supposed to protect her... I promised I'd always protect her... But, I wasn't there... One day. One time. I wasn't there and I lost it all... She lost it all..." She whispers.

Louis swallows thickly and wraps a comforting arm around her, looking up at the sky as well.

"We'd gotten in a fight the night before... It was a bad fight... But I knew in a few days we'd be okay again... Guess I was wrong.. She went out, guess she was going out to the playground where we met.. Probably to go clear her mind.. That's where we'd go if we needed alone time..." She nods. "There was a drive by at the playground... Her and a few others were killed... She was just... Sitting on the swing.. And then she was gone.." She whispers as tears fall down her face.

Louis frowns and gently wipes at her tears.

"Ever since she died... I couldn't stay in that town.. So, a few days after my birthday. I ran away. I came her. We promised each other we'd move away together. We said we'd move to Florida together. Go to Disney World together.." She looks up at Cindy's star.

"I kept my promise..."

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