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Louis woke up the next morning to the sound of someone knocking on his door. He yawned and ignored it, thinking it was only a dream. So, he pressed closer to Harry and sighed contently, holding the boy tightly and securely.

"FBI, open up." A man with a deep and rough voice said through the door.
Louis's eyes opened wide and he gasped, he shoved Harry roughly. "Get up. Get out." He whispered seriously.
Harry groaned and rubbed his eyes, "What?" He mumbled.
Louis flung his body on top of Harry's, covering the boy's mouth with both hands.
"Shut up!" Louis whisper shouted, looking at Harry with wide, piercing blue eyes. "Listen to me.. There's an FBI agent outside my door.. go to the bathroom, there's a chute that'll take you right to the wash room. It's what the building has for lazy people who don't carry their bag of dirty clothes down." He rolled his eyes and got up carefully. "Don't say anything. Just go!" He whispered.

Harry's heart was racing at an impossible speed, his hands were clammy and trembling. He nodded quickly and kissed Louis deeply.

"Mr. Tomlinson, we'd like to have a few words with you. Please open the door." A female voice said through the door.

Louis reluctantly pushed Harry away, "Go.." he whispered, tears filling in his eyes.
Harry nodded slowly and quickly went to the bathroom. He saw some dirty clothes and put them in a bag, taking it down with him to cushion the fall.

Louis hurried over to the door and wiped the tears away, messing his hair up a little. He opened the door, yawning and rubbing his eye tiredly.
"Hi.. sorry, I was just sleeping." He mumbled and eyed the two agents, goosebumps rising on his skin. But, Louis tried his best to play it cool. All those years of Drama class are about to pay off.

"Do you mind if we come inside and have a little chat?" The man asked Louis, giving him a hard stare.
"I mean, my house is a bit mess-"
        "Oh, we don't mind." The man assured him quickly.
Louis sighed and nodded, allowing the agents to come into his home.
He led then to the kitchen since he didn't have a couch. He noticed the blood stains around the kitchen and bit down on his lip roughly.
The agents looked around the room, noticing the blood.
"What's this?" The lady asked, eyeing it closer.
"The one on the ground is from a suicide attempt back in the 90's.. the apartment complex isn't the best.." Louis lied smoothly, which seemed to be believable since he did live in the ghetto. The female nodded, "And this?" She asked, pointing to the counter.
"I was making Kool-Aid a few days ago.. I'm a little clumsy." He laughed a bit.
The agents nodded and sat down, "Have a seat, son." The man stated.
Louis nodded and sat across from them.
The lady pulled out a file and took out a picture of Harry, sliding it in front of Louis. "Have you seen this man?" She asked, it was a picture of Harry with long hair, his arm around another man, them both smiling. Louis's heart clenched, he knew that other man was Nick. But, nevertheless, Louis shook his head. "Not since I left the UK." He said softly, swallowing thickly.
The female nodded, seeing that Louis was about to cry, so she believed him.
"Do you have any idea where he could be right now?" She asked the boy in a soft tone. "Because, there was reports of him taking a flight the night he murdered his boyfriend."
Louis clenched his fists under the table, he was glad Harry murdered Nick. That fucking loser.. Harry is his boyfriend. Nobody else's.

Louis swallowed thickly, "I'm sure." He whispered, looking up at them.
"Louis.. if you tell us the truth, you won't get into trouble." The man tried to compromise. "All we want is Harry. He's a bad man, who's killed a lot of people." He said seriously to Louis.
Louis sighed and shook his head, "I promise.. I haven't seen that man since I left the UK.. he's the reason I left." Louis admitted truthfully. Because, at the time, that was the reason why he left.

They both nodded, but knew they had to keep a close eye on Louis because Harry's flight did land in Florida. Louis was the only lead they had, so they couldn't give up so easily.
The woman nodded, "Well.. thank you for your time.. if we have any more question, we won't hesitate to come by again." She said with a smile.
The man stared at Louis, "And we will definitely be keeping a close eye on you." He warned the boy.
Louis nodded and led them out of his apartment.
Once he shut the door, he sighed heavily.


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