Chapter 12

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A/N If you wanna see what I look like, there's a horrid picture of me on instagram, but my hair looks great so... *Shrugs* 

Insta: tomlinson91.marvel


Senior year of high school, sounds great doesn't it. Last year of being trapped in a school of people you hate and they hate you just as much.  Yeah, Harry's very excited to almost be done and over with school. The only people he'll miss when he graduates are Liam, Niall, not Zayn since he doesn't go to school, and his boyfriend. Nick Grimshaw. 

Harry and Nick met during one of Harry's drug deals, romantic, isn't it? 

Nick was a buyer and Harry happened to be the supplier. 

Now that's a love story you want to tell to your kids. (Note the sarcasm)

Nick's a senior as well, him and Harry have been dating for a nice... What..? Almost nine months. Long time. Long time indeed. It's Harry's longest relationship. He likes this relationship. Him and Nick get high together and fuck. Nick took his virginity when they were high. They don't fuck when sober though, they tried it once. But, Harry said it just didn't feel right. Nick agreed. 

Liam and Niall are happy that Harry's moved on from... He who shall not be named at this moment... That certain boy hasn't really crossed Harry's mind at all in the past year. Not ever since that night when he got the job from Tony. Liam always thinks about that boy though, that boy was one of his closest friends. His brother. He wonders how he's doing and where he's gone. Is he even alive? He sure hopes so... Niall wonders about him from time to time as well. He really misses his non blood brother. Zayn hates to admit it, but he misses that little fucker too. But, Harry? When he hears that boys name he says, "Who?" 

It's unfortunate really... 

Today's their first day of school as seniors. Nick, Harry, Liam, and Niall all arrive to school in Nick's fancy ass car. Liam and Niall go their separate ways as they give the two love birds some alone time. 
"You excited, babe? First day of our last year." Nick smiles as he pulls Harry close to him by his waist, leaning his back against his car. 

Harry giggles and nods softly, "I am. Very excited, what about you?" He asks sweetly and pecks Nicks lips gently.
"I'm absolutely thrilled. I can't wait till the years over. Then we can go off to uni and move in with each other." He says hopefully and rubs their noses together gently. Harry nods and hums in response. He'd love to do that. He loves Nick... Mhm... Yup... Let's all just go along with that...

The first bell rings, signalling it's time to start heading to class. Harry feels his phone buzz, someone asking for some bud. "I'll meet you in class. Gotta go handle some business." He informs.

"Don't get caught, babe." Nick says quietly.

"I'll be fine." Harry assures and kisses his lips once more before walking off to the footie fields and behind the bleachers where he's met with a couple of goth dudes. The deal goes by smoothly, nobody getting caught, luckily. Harry quickly makes his way to class, just being a few minutes late but he doesn't mind. 

The day goes by quickly, Harry's not feeling well and decides to just walk home. Nick worries about him but lets the boy do as he wants. He knows not to pester the boy when he gets in moods like this. He hates seeing Harry angry, he's terrifying when he's angry. And I think we all know why. 

Harry shoves his hands in his pockets as he walks slowly down the road, headphones in and music up, blocking out the rest of the world. A certain song comes on. One he hasn't heard in quiet some time. 

Look After You, By: The Fray.

Harry stops in his step. Breathing gets harder for him to do as he listens to the song. Tears brim his eyes just a bit, hands getting shaky and knees getting weak. He swallows the lump in his throat as memories start flooding back into his mind. Memories he's forced himself to forget. Feelings he's buried deep inside, hoping to never feel again. Fuck. He can't stop. Can't stop thinking of that... That boy. He hasn't thought of that boy in a year. This isn't good. He's falling back down into that hole of depression. He can't do this, he's been doing so well. Been so happy. His life was so perfect. Why did this damn song have to play? Especially when he's already in a mood. 

He takes a deep shaky breath and closes his eyes to calm himself. He opens them back up and calmly skips the song and continues on walking. He won't let that boy ruin him again. What they had is long gone. Over. Done. Never going to happen again. He doesn't even know where that boy disappeared off to, nor does he care. Nope. Not at all. Who are we even talking about? He doesn't know. 

He makes it home safely, not even glancing at the house next to his. Is there even a house next to his? He doesn't know. He goes inside and takes a nice, long hot shower before he quickly gets ready once more and goes to meet Tony at the park down the road to give him the money he got today from some people at school that had bought from him. He deleted that song off his phone. Going back to his normal, happy life.

Harry's life is perfect...

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