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"Nick..." Harry mumbles tiredly into the pillow, "Knock it off.." He smiles sleepily. Nick chuckles softly and shakes his head, playing with Harry's curls.
"But, my baby's hair is so pretty." He smiles widely and grabs a strand of hair, running it lightly across Harry's face. Harry flinches slightly and swats at Nicks hand. Nick gasps. "Did you just..." He pauses dramatically, "Swat at me??" He fakes offense, biting his lip to keep himself from laughing.

"Nooo, I would never." Harry laughs, voice raspy and tired. Nick shakes his head and quickly straddles the boy, tickling him viciously. "No! Nick! S-stop!!" Harry laughs loudly, eyes widening as he tries to push the boy off of him.

"Don't swat at me! You know what happens when you do that!!" Nick laughs and continues tickling the boy. Harry laughs loud and happily. Squirming underneath Nick as he tries to stop him. Nick smiles and grabs Harry's hand, pinning them above his head, he looks down at his beautiful boyfriend, his smile only growing wider.

Harry pants slightly, looking up at Nick, smiling brightly. "Good morning, handsome." He says softly, eyes filled with fondness as he looks at boy. Nick smiles, "Morning." He whispers and leans down, kissing Harry's lips softly.

Harry hums in delight and let's his arms go limp in Nicks grasp, kissing him back passionately. Nick's lips feel so soft against his own, so great. But... Not perfect. They'll never feel as perfect or as right as... No, we're not doing this. Not right now. Harry sighs softly and just focuses on kissing Nick. His boyfriend.

Nick pulls away with a frown, "You okay..?" He asks hesitantly, worry obvious on his face. Harry sighs, but nods his head. "Yeah, I'm okay.." He whispers. Nick knows he's lying, but doesn't push him. "Okay... Let's get ready for school, yeah? Your mum made us breakfast." He smiles and pecks Harry's lips lightly. Harry nods and watches as Nick gets off of him, already fully dressed the boy exits the room and goes down to the kitchen.

Harry rolls over and checks his phone, he slides the lock screen and puts in his password. 2491. He knows he should change it, but he doesn't. He won't ever change it. Nick has questioned him about why his password is that, but Harry just says it's a random number.

You see, Nick wasn't here when Harry and... We're a "thing." He moved here ten months ago, from L.A. Harry and him met at school. Like what was said before, Nick was a customer of Harry's. Nick liked Harry, he was infatuated with the boys beautiful, long curls and offered to smoke with him. Harry agreed. A month later, they ended up dating, and here they are.

Anne likes Nick. Thinks he's a great lad, although she misses... She doesn't bring him up to Harry. She doesn't want her son falling back into the depression he was once in after that night in the hospital. She just accepts the fact Harry's happy. Not as happy. But, he's happy and that's all that matter. She knows it's not true love though. What Harry and... Was true. Not this.

The day goes buy slowly, painfully slowly. Harry does a few deals here and there, but nothing too exciting.
Until, one of his costumers is someone he REALLY did not need to see.
He doesn't want to do this, but knows he has to. Or... Does he really have to? I mean, he could just kill him. Finally get this done and over with. Get rid of this god awful human being. The one who ruined everything he had.

"Well, isn't this a sight for sore eyes? The psychopath lives. Well, damn." Stan smirks as he leaning against the brick wall in the dark alley. An alley where nobody can really see into. Nobody will know what happens here. Nope. No one at all.

Harry gives the man a hard glare. "Still talking tough? You're not tough. You're the one who ran off like a little bitch, last I recall." Harry chuckled. It was true though.

Stan tenses and stands up straight. "I ran off? Please. You know nothing, you should be dead. Did Tommo pussy out and drive you to the hospital?"

Harry cringes at the name, clenching and unclenching his fists tightly. "You really don't like living, do you?" He sneers.

Stan shrugs, "Eh. You're not gonna do shit. You're a pussy." He laughs and lifts his shirt up a bit, "You really wanna get shot again?" He smirks.

Harry stiffens as he sees the gun, he has nothing to protect himself with. The one time he doesn't bring a weapon with him. What a shame. "Fuck." He breaths out and shakes his head. "Whatever. Just give me the fucking money." He gives in.

Stan chuckles, "Good boy." He nods and they do their exchange. Harry watches as Stan walks away.

Wishing that piece of shit was dead.

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