Chapter 32

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A/N Hi, hello.

I know I said that I wanted to wait until I got more stars on the last chapter, before I'd put up another. But, I was going through the comments and it just made my heart flutter. I honestly love how responsive some of you are. It's really nice knowing that some of you highly enjoy this and think it's unique. It honestly makes me so happy, I've never been told half of the things you guys tell me.. So, it's nice. Thank you...



"Yeah... Baby steps sound nice..." Louis smiles a bit as Harry agrees for them to go slow. "I... I'm really glad that we were able to work things out and whatnot." Louis says with a smile and hesitantly grabs Harry's hand, giving it a small squeeze as a slight blush rose to his cheeks.
"The feeling is mutual." Harry smiled sweetly, his stomach doing flips as Louis holds his hand. He honestly missed the way Louis's hand fit perfectly in his own. It was nice, and their size difference was absolutely incredible. It was one of Harry's favorite things about their relationship.

"What are we supposed to do if the police come looking for you..?" Louis asked shyly, his thoughts going back to reality and how Harry is on the run.
"I honestly don't think that they'll go searching for me in the states. Even if they do, what are the odds that they'll come to Florida and find you. The last time anyone checked, you and I haven't made contact in over a year. You ran away and nobody even knows you're here. So, we're pretty fucking safe, if I do say so myself." Harry states.

Louis nods a bit as he listened to Harry's statement. It was true. Nobody knew he was here, nobody knew either of them were here. As long as they played it safe, they pretty much had a bulletproof plan. Now... The only thing that would be a problem is Harry's addiction to killing people. 

"Harry... If we're going to do this," Louis starts off and looks down at their hands, "You've got to stop killing people..." He says shyly. 
Harry visibly tenses at that, "What? No, I don't." He says and shakes his head, pulling his hand away from Louis. 
"Yes, you do. You don't need to draw anymore attention to yourself. We could start a new life, Harry. A new life together... Besides, it's not good to kill innocent people... It's mental." Says Louis.
"It is not fucking mental!" Harry shouts, Louis finches and pulls his knees tighter to his chest as if to make himself smaller. "Louis, I'm perfectly capable of not getting caught, I did it for two years back in Doncaster. I only got caught because I killed someone close to me." He states, "But, the only one who even knows my name, is you. And I don't plan on killing you any time soon." He says, slightly calming down a bit.
"Well... I mean... I'd hope you wouldn't kill me..." Louis says softly, "I.. I'm sorry for bringing anything up.. You're right, nobody knows you even exist here... Just... I don't know, Harry. It's not right to kill people." He states.
"Oh, for fucksake, Louis. Who cares if it's right to kill people? Death happens. We're all going to die eventually, why not just end it now for some people." He shrugs, "Shit happens. Get over it." 

Louis sighs and just drops the subject, not wanting to upset Harry any further. He feels himself starting to get light headed from the lack of food and water, so he slowly and hesitantly gets up before making his way to the kitchen. 

"I just want you to be careful... Okay?" Louis says quietly as he's getting himself a cup of water.
Harry watches Louis as he gets up and walks off, the boy has definitely lost some weight, but he still had quite a nice bum. Harry gets up and follows after him, "Yes, I promise I'll be careful." He reassures him as he's grabbing a slice of pizza from the box.
Louis lets out a shaky breath and nods, taking his medication with his water. "Thank you." He says with a weak smile before he finishes off his cup of water and refills it. He sets the cup down on the counter before he walks over to Harry and grabs himself a slice.


"So..." Louis breaths out once they were getting ready for bed, "You can sleep in the bed and I'll take the couch... Or it could be the other way around..." He says nervously.
"Louis... We're together... I think it'd be fine if we just slept in the same bed together." Harry chuckles and pulls off his shirt, dropping it to the ground. Louis's eyes wondered down to Harry's toned torso... It was a lot more muscular than he remembered.
Louis swallowed thickly and nodded, "O-okay... Right... Yeah, we can sleep in the same bed..." He says quietly as he watches Harry strip down all the way to his boxers. He couldn't help but have dirty thoughts... Although, he and Harry never really had any sexual contact besides innocent kissing and occasional dry humping. He couldn't help but feel the urge to just go up to Harry and tackle him down onto the bed. Harry noticed Louis googly eyeing him and smirked,

"Like what you see?"



I mean... Do you guys want some smut? My last book didn't have any and this one hasn't had any so far... Do you guys want it or nah?

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