Chapter 24

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"You think you're slick? You think you can escape me and try to save yourself from this?" Harry says, finally cracking. His laughter sounding mad. He smashes Nick's phone against a rock. "You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into." He smirks.

Nick whimpers in fear, his body trembling.

"I will make this... A night you'll never forget. Every breath you take, will only get closer to your last." Harry says in a slow and deep voice, grabbing Nicks collar and pulling him close, their noses barely brushing against each other. His emerald eyes piercing through Nicks fear filled ones. "I'll make this a night to remember." He smiles sweetly and caresses Nicks face lovingly.

Nick shuts his eyes tightly and grabs Harry's wrists tightly. "P-please... L-let me g-g-go..." He pleads. "H-Harry... I.. I'll do anything you say.. Just... D-don't kill me.." He cries out, tears streaming down his face, slwoly dripping to the ground.

Harry smirks and shakes his head, "Now, now... what's the fun in that my dear ol'sweet... Sweet Nicholas." He whispers in a sickeningly sweet voice.

Nick let's out a small cry and chews on his bottom lip roughly.

Harry smiles and and slips one hand into his pocket, pulling out his knife and flipping it open. He slowly glides the blade along Nicks body. Nick tenses and whimpers.
Harry throws the boy onto the ground, his head smacking roughly against a rock. He gasps out in pain and cries. Harry straddles Nicks waist and cuts open his shirt. Nick shivers at the cold air, heavy breaths leaving through his chapped, trembling lips.

Harry hums softly to himself and glides the tip of the blade along Nicks soft, pasty skin. Goosebumps rise on Nicks body as he feels the cool blade on his body. "H-Harry..." He whimpers. Harry shakes his head and smirks, digging the tip of the blade into Nicks skin, breaking through the flesh slightly. He twists his knife around playfully, stretching out the wound as he pushes in deeper. Blood trickling out, staining the boys pale skin. He gasps and cries out loudly, pain shooting through his whole body, he weak... Not able to fight back.

He squirms around, causing the blade to go deeper and open the wound more as Harry continues to twist the blade around.
"The more you squirm, the worse it is and the happier it makes me." He says casually, a sweet smile plastered onto his face.

Nick whimpers and shuts his eyes tightly, he weakly tries to push Harry away. Harry shakes his head and slowly pulls the blade out, jiggling it slightly on it's way out. Nick gasps and whines, panting heavily.

Harry pulls out all the way and then jabs Nick quickly in the arm, then a few more times right around his first jab. Nick screams at the top of his lungs. Harry frowns deeply and stuffs dirt into Nicks mouth, shutting him up and slightly suffocating him. Nick coughs and chokes, tears rushing down his face.

Harry hums happily to himself as he continues casually stabbing at Nicks body. He then begins to hear police sirens. The dispatch having traced Nicks phone call.

Harry groans. "Looks like the funs over." He pouts. "Bye, bye." He whispers and kisses Nicks cheek gently as he slits the boys throat roughly, blood gushing out. Nick was laying in a pool of his own blood, his body trembling viciously. Harry quickly gets up and gets rid of any evidence that he was there. Although his clothes are soaked in blood. He knows he can get away from this.
He sprints to his car and gasps as he sees the police cars already parked around it. He begins to panic slightly and begins running as fast as he can.

"Hey! Stop right there!!"

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