Chapter 22

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"I'm really glad we're spending this time together." Nick smiles sweetly.
"Yeah.. Me too." Harry nods and picks up the menu. "What are you going to get?"
"Hm.. I'm not sure... I think ribs sound great." He smiles. "You?"
"Pasta... Yeah, I think I'll get the Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo pasta." Harry says and closes his menu, setting it aside. He looks up at Nick, a sick black tint to his eyes.

Nick looks at Harry and frowns slightly, "Hey.. You alright?" He questions, holding Harry's hand across the table, he's never seen this look in Harry's eye before. It makes him feel uneasy.

Harry smiles and squeezes Nicks hand lightly. "Yeah.. Yeah, babe. I'm feeling great." He assures.

Absolutely great.

Nick gets a weird feeling in his stomach, but shrugs it off. "As long as you're sure." He smiles. The waiter comes to take their order. He smiles fondly at the couple.

Nick orders his food with a water, Harry orders his with an Iced Tea. Once the man has left them, he looks back to Nick. "After this, would you like to go for a walk in this cute meadow I found the other day?" He asks, "It's about an hour away from here, but it's definitely worth it." He says slowly, a small smirk on his face.

Nick chews on his bottom lip for a moment, he actually feels quiet uncomfortable about the offer... But, what's the harm in taking a romantic walk with his boyfriend. Right? "Uh.. Yeah, sure. That sounds nice." He smiles. But, then he remembers what his mother told him. On the news earlier today, they were talking about a serial killer on the loose. "Let's not stay out too late.. Alright? I don't feel safe, knowing there's a psychopath out on the loose..." He says quietly.

Harry tenses. He's not a psychopath. "I'll keep you safe, babe." He smiles. "I'll always keep you safe."

Nick smiles warmly at that, his heart beat racing. "You're sweet.." He whispers.

"I love you." Harry smiles.

"I love you." Nick repeats.


"Harry... Are you sure this is safe..?" Nick whispers as they're walking through the forest. "We're far from town... It's getting pretty dark..."

Harry rolls his eyes, "Don't be such a baby. Come on." He says and tugs on Nicks arm, holding his hand tightly.

"Harry, loosen your grip... You're hurting me." Nick whimpers. "And don't be a jerk. I'm allowed to be scared... Everyone gets scared."

"I don't get scared." Harry shrugs and tightens his grip, dragging Nick further into the forest.
"Harry... I said loosen your grip." Nick says quietly. Harry doesn't listen. "Harry! Let me go." He demands and starts trying to tug his arm away.

"Stop." Harry says firmly.
Nick immediately stops his actions, actually quiet frightened of Harry right now. "Wh-where... What are we doing....?" He questions quietly.
"We're going on a romantic walk to the meadow." Harry smiles.
"I... I don't trust you... Let me go.. I want to go home..." He says, his voice slightly shaky.

"Stop your whining. This will be fun." Harry smiles. Nick feels uneasy about this. He's scared and cold. He just wants to go home.
"Harry.. Please.." He says and tugs on his arm again. Harry groans and tightens his grip, almost breaking Nicks hand. Nick yelps in pain as tears form in his eyes. What the hell is going on? "Harry, let me go!" He cries out.

Harry rolls his eyes and roughly throws Nick to the ground. "Fuck... What... What are you doing?" Nick whimpers, holding his head, it's aching since he smacked it on the ground pretty hard.

"Oh nothing. Just... Having a little fun." Harry smirks, "Run."

Nick's eyes widen as he watches Harry pull out a knife. It's quiet big. His heart racing, pounding rapidly against his chest. They're in the middle of the forest. He quickly begins to back up and shakily gets off the ground. He takes off sprinting, only going deeper into the forest. He doesn't know where he's going. He just needs to get away. Away from Harry.

Harry laughs, a sick and disturbing laugh. He follows closely behind, he knows this forest quiet well. "You won't get away, Nick." He says in a slow, deep voice.

Nick breaths heavily as he runs. Pushing through bushes and branches. He can hear Harry, but doesn't turn around. Tears are running down his face. What happened to the sweet boy he loved? The boy who loved him back. What's going on?

"Help!!!" Nick screams. "Somebody help me!!!" He yells at the top of his lungs. He knows nobody will be able to hear him. But it's worth a try.

He quickly hides behind a huge rock. Harry stops and looks around, he knows Nick is close. He can feel it. He whistles and plays with his knife, walking around slowly. "Come out, come out wherever you are." He sings.

Nick pulls out his phone and calls the police.

"Hello? Doncaster Police Department, how may we assist you?"

"I... I need help.. Please. My boyfriend is trying to kill me." Nick whispers, his breath shaky.

"I'm going to need you to calm down. Can you tell me where you are? Who's your boyfriend?"

Nick shakes his head and bites his lip, shutting his eyes tightly. He should've paid more attention to the signs they passed. God, he's so stupid. He doesn't know where he is. "I.. I don't know where I am. Fuck.. I don't know." He cries.

Harry smirks as he hears Nicks cries.

"I'm going to track your location. Get somewhere safe. What's his name?"

"His name's Har-"

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