The End

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Two months had passed and Harry was getting even more agitated. The couple had been laying low ever since the FBI came over.
Louis had been doing his best to act normal at work and made sure not to draw any attention to himself. Because, he knew that they were being watched.
Harry spotted a black car down the road from their apartment, with two men inside of it. They looked formal and they haven't left for hours. So, it was obvious that the FBI was watching them.

Louis was on his way home from work, simply just riding the bus since he didn't feel like walking alone at night. Usually Harry would meet him after work since he always closed the store. But, since the incident.. Harry hasn't been able to leave the house.

Louis had his headphones in his ears and he hummed along to some jello music to keep his nerves at bay.
Once he hopped off the bus, he casually made his way to his apartment building.

Louis unlocked the door, only to be welcomed with an odd scent... A scent of death... Goosebumps rose on his skin as he shakily hung up his keys and hesitantly closed the door.
"Harry..?" Louis called out softly and flipped on the light switch.
There was blood smeared on the walls and Louis cringed in disgust. "Harry!" he called out once again.
He began to get worried when Harry didn't answer him back. So, he carefully walked further into the apartment.

He peeked into the kitchen and instantly gagged at the sight he saw. A hooker was laid on the ground in the corner of the kitchen. There was a pool of blood surrounding her and her stomach was cut wide open, intestines thrown all over the place; as if someone had been playing with them.
He walked closer to her to inspect the body. No further damages were done... Just her poor body being gutted and left on the floor of a strangers kitchen.

Louis felt sick...

He turned away from her body and went into the living room where he saw his boyfriend sleeping on their mattress.
Harry was stained in blood, but sleeping peacefully with a slight smile on his face.
Louis's heart warmed at the sight. Harry looked so cute and precious as he slept on their mattress.

Louis soon shook his head and his smile faded, he needed answers as to why Harry choose to do this into their kitchen. So, he went over to the man and carefully shook him.

"Harry.." he said softly.
Harry groaned, but didn't wake up.
"Babe... Wake up." He spoke once more.
Harry sighed and fluttered his eyes open just a bit. "Mm.. Hello, my love.." He said in a slow and deep voice, raspier than normal.

"Harry..." Louis sighed and rubbed his eyes, sitting on their mattress. "why... Why is there a dead girl in the kitchen.." He asked quietly.

Harry shrugged, "I wanted to fuck someone. You weren't here. I had needs that needed to be met. So, I called a hooker.. But, she wasn't what I wanted. So, I killed her." He said casually.

Louis felt tears well up in his eyes. "Wh-what...?" he whispered. "You... Were going to cheat on me..?" He asked.
Harry shrugged once more. "Its just a hooker. Besides. I didn't fuck her. I just killed her."
"But, you were going to..." Louis clarified.
"So what?" Harry scoffed.
Louis stood up and balled his tiny fists. "So what!" he yelled. "You... You can't cheat on me, Harry!" he cried out.
Harry's eyes widened and he stood up. "Don't you dare yell my name." he said seriously.
"Why? Afraid the FEDs are going to hear, Harry?" he said, saying Harry's name louder.

Harry growled and struck Louis right across the face.

Louis gasped and went silent.

The two of them just stood their in silence as Louis looked at him with fear in his eyes and Harry looked at him with a blank stare.

Louis stepped closer to Harry and honestly... He didn't recognize the boy... Harry's eyes weren't a bright green anymore. They were almost black.

"Harry... You need to calm down..." Louis whispered. He knew that look in Harry's eye.. He didn't like that look. Harry only looked at people like that when... He wanted to kill them.

"Calm down!?" The boy shouted and shoved Louis into a wall. "What the fuck do you mean calm down? I've been stuck in this filthy apartment. All alone and you're acting like everything is so fucking perfect!" he said, voice laced with anger. "Do you even know what its like to be in here all day. Every day. Alone. With nothing to fucking do?" he yelled.

Louis just fell silent, his body was frozen, just jerking with each shove Harry sent his way.

"Its... I can't live like this anymore. You're never around. You're always just at fucking work and hiding off somewhere every Thursday. You're probably fucking some other guy aren't you? You filthy slut!" he yelled to Louis.

Louis had tears falling down his face and he just shook his head slowly.

"Do you even go to work? Or do you just go a fuck your coworkers in the storage room every day?" he tried to accuse.

But, they both knew Louis wouldn't ever do that... Harry had just finally cracked. The psycho inside of him.. Finally took over. Harry saw nothing but negative. All this time being locked up in this apartment.. It drove him to break.

"Since you just think its totally okay to leave me alone all the time to fuck other whores, I was just trying to do the same." He growled and cracked his neck a bit. "But..." He just shut his eyes tightly and reached into his pocket, pulling out his stained pocket knife.

Louis's eyes went wide. "Harry... No... Please.. No.." He whined and back up all the way to the wall.
Harry followed after him and he grabbed Louis by the throat. "You're a pathetic little cheater, Louis... Honestly... Did you think you could get away with sneaking behind my back all the damn time?" he asked, squeezing the boys throat.

"I-i... I've been w-working...I.. I promise." The boy choked out.

"No days off... No time spent together.. You barely touch me. You're not here for me anymore. You're just here... Because you're a scared little bitch." He smirked. "Well... Don't worry, I'll make this quick." He said and quickly stabbed Louis in the stomach, "or will I?" he whispered in the boys ear, pushing the knife deeper and twisting it.

Louis cried out in pain and held Harry's shoulders tightly. "I.... I love you... I... Would, would never cheat on you.." Louis said in a strained voice since Harry wouldn't stop choking him.

Harry quickly pulled the knife out, "Bullshit!!" he yelled and began rapidly stabbing Louis in the stomach.
"I see all the texts from your friends flirting with you. You don't tell them to stop. You hang out with them more than me!!" he yelled and continued to quickly jerk his knife in and out of Louis.

Louis was a crying mess, begging Harry to stop, as well as repeating I love you's to the boy who was murdering him.

"I wasted so much time on you. Just for you to cheat and sneak around behind my back!" Harry growled in anger and threw Louis to the ground.

Louis rolled onto his stomach and struggled to crawl away. His body was dripping blood, it was even spilling out from his mouth. His breath was shallow and his vision blurry.
He never knew what death would feel like. But, he guessed this was it...

Harry laughed at the boys struggled and watched the trail of blood from behind him. Harry them walked behind him and knelt down, grabbing a handful of the boys hair and pulling his head back. "You're pathetic." He whispered before he dragged his knife along Louis's throat, cutting so deep that he almost cut the boys head completely off.

As Louis took his last and final breath, memories of Harry and him played through his head.. Their first laugh.. First kiss. First everything.. Everything was so perfect in the beginning. So wonderful, warm, and bright... But now that its all ending...
Everything is so dark... Cold.. Terrifying. The boys eyes fell shut and his body went limp. He was in a pool of his own blood, his body twitching a bit.. Before he died, he whispered to Harry. "I love you..."

Just as Harry stood, looking down at the boys body, the door was kicked down.
Harry felt nothing. No remorse. No guilt. No pain.
He didn't even bother to look when the officer yelled to drop his weapon. He didn't even flinch when he heard the trigger being pulled.
All Harry knew was that he was now dying and he was happy... Happy that Louis was dead, happy they were both dead. No longer living this life of fear.

Harry fell near Louis's body, his brains splattered everywhere...

And that's how this story ends... Bloody and depressing.. No all stories have happy endings. More or less... This is how some peoples stories do really end in real life..

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