Chapter 17

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A/N: I made an Instagram for this account. Go follow it. Maybe? If you want. You don't have to.

Instagram: Louis_IsMy_Queen


The rest of Louis' shift goes by rather slowly. He's nervous about going out with a stranger into the world of the unknown. But, yet he's excited. The rush of all of this making his stomach tingle. He likes feeling adrenaline pumping through his veins. Maybe that's why he likes Ha-... Him... So much.

He slowly takes off his uniform in the bathroom and changes into his regular clothes, fixing his messy fringe in the mirror. He cringes at how sick he looks. He's pale, eyes sunken in, dark circles underneath. His collar bones become more noticeable with each passing day. He sighs and shakes his head, exiting the bathroom and placing his work clothes in his locker.

He smooths out his shirt a bit. He's wear a black tank top, black skinny jeans and some black shoes. It's all such simple clothing. Simple and cheap clothing. He hasn't gotten much to afford anything better. Half his paycheck goes to therapy and the other half goes to his bills. He's barely got enough to eat, but that's okay. He doesn't do much of eating anyways. He exits the store slowly after locking up, considering he was the last one to leave. It always sketches him out when he's the last the leave. Seeing the store dark and deserted gives him goosebumps. It's scary.

He shoves his hands in the front pockets of his skinny jeans, chills going down his spine a bit at the humid Orlando wind. He kicks around a pebble as he waits. Maybe she won't even show up. She probably thinks he's some lame guy with no life and just played a joke on him.

But, then he hears the sound of a skateboard in the near distance. He looks up and sure enough. He sees Mystery's blue hair flowing in the wind. He really likes her hair. She gives him a bright smile and stops right in front of him.

"You ride?" She asks.

Louis blushes at the question, thoughts of griding on Ha-... Him... Flooding into his mind. He blinks a few times and clears his throat awkwardly, looking down at the extra skateboard in her hand. "Oh.. Yeah... I, I used to." He nods and shrugs.

She laughs, "Then you still know how. C'mon. Get on." She says and nudges him with the board.

Louis let's out a shaky and grabs the board firmly with a trembling hand. He places it on the ground and steps on, a bit wobbly at first. But he gets his balance.

"Good. Now, if you're really nervous about it. We can go slow." She smiles.

"And where exactly are we going?" He asks in a quiet, hesitant voice as they slowly begin making their way down the sidewalk.

"On an adventure, Lost Boy."

"Why... Why do you keep calling me that?" He questions as he keeps his gaze down at the pavement below then. He hasn't risen a skateboard in over a year. He remembers this one time... He tried teaching him how to ride a skateboard, but the tall ass giraffe was too clumsy for it...

Good times... Good times...

"Your tattoo." She says, breaking Louis from his thoughts, he looks down at his pointer finger and smiles slightly. "I saw it and it fits you. So that's your name." She shrugs, "why'd you get it?"

Louis bites his lower lip and stays quiet.

Mystery nods and doesn't push him. "You're shy." She laughs softly.

Louis shrugs.

"That's okay. I don't mind. I'll break you out of your shell." She promises firmly.

"You can sure try... But I'm glued shut.." He whispers.

"Then I'll just find another way to enter. You've got a few cracks I can slip though." She smiles.

Louis chuckles and shakes his head, staying quiet as they ride around the city.


"I met a girl."

"Oh... You did?" His therapist raises an eyebrow at the information and smiles a bit. Glad that Louis seems to be making progress.

"I did. She's... Different." He mumbles quietly.

"Different how?" He asks and leans forward, lacing his hands on top of the desk, his glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose a bit.

"She's... Really energetic. Happy. Joyous. Always sees the bright side of everything. She's... She's really interesting. You'll never know what she's going to do next. Her names Misty... But everyone calls her Mystery." He informs, eyes sparkling a bit as he talks about her.

The therapist notices the change in Louis' expression and writes down some things. "How'd you meet?"

"At work." Louis nods. "She needed help finding a Thor Hammer for her collection. She's obsessed with Marvel. It's pretty wicked. She knows so much about it. We met, she invited me out to chill." He says quietly. "We went out last night. Skated around the city til we saw the sun rise. It was nice... It was relaxing. I liked it. I really did." He smiles and looks down.

"I'm really glad you've finally met someone who helps you forget the pain." His therapist smiles at him.

"It's weird though..."

"Weird how? Do you like her?" He questions curiously.

"As friend? Yes. Of course... It's weird because... She's so similar to... Harry..." He whispers, lip trembling a bit.

"You've never told me much about Harry yet... Are you willing to open up about him yet? It seems like he's the main cause as to all your problems. If we open this wound. It'll make it easier to heal the others. This wound is infected and needs the most treatment. The longer we neglect it, the worse it gets." His therapist states.

Louis bites his lip as he feels his heart ache, he's not ready to open up about Harry. He doesn't want to relive all their memories just yet. He can't do it.

"Whenever you're ready, I'm here... Let's talk more about Mystery, yeah?"

Louis nods and takes a deep breath. "She talks a lot. She doesn't mind that I'm so quiet and closed off. She says she'll find a way to slip through my cracks and figure me out." He laughs sadly and shakes his head. "she's outgoing. It's cool.." He says quietly.

The therapist nods and writes down a bite more notes. "I'm glad you're doing better. You are doing better... Right?"

Louis thinks for a moment. "I don't... I don't know... I get a few more hours of sleep than before... But other than that... Nothing has really changed..." He whispers.

"More sleep is a start. You're getting there. It'll take time. But you can get through this." He nods. "We've just got to solve one problem at a time. It'll be a long process, but I won't leave you until we've helped you get a better mind set on your life. I want you to be successful. You're so young. You're barely 19, I want you to be happy."



A/N Damn. Long chapter. Sorta. Long for me. *shrugs*

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