Lets Go Get 'Em !

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"Everyone put your Got Damn hands up"

The cloaked murderer moved stealthly into the room wielding a top of the line foreign machine gun.

"What do you want" I said slowly moving directly in the line of fire

"Why are you here" I kept my voice low and my tone calm and even.

 I had a family and I would do anything in the world to protect them.

"You don't even know do you!"

"You don't even Know" he shouted

Letting of a stream of bullets directly at me

I heard Jasmine scream and SJ was crying in the background as I was flung to the ground. 

A heavy weight pressed against my chest and I felt a warm and sticky fluid cover me.

Simultaneously  I heard a loud bang and a thump.

"Jazz.... SJ" I said the shock slowly wearing off me.

"Oh my God!" I said


Her body was collapsed on top of me her back riddled with holes. Blood seeped through her dress making a pool of blood surround us.  

A small beretta was flung a few feet away from where we were and the mystery assassin will forever be unknown because their face was blown clean off their head, brain and blood leaking from a opening.   

I slowly rolled Consuela off of me and closed her eyes. 

Her blood soaked through my robe warm and sticky and it made me sick.

"Baby are you and SJ Ok?"

I said quietly

She shook her head solemnly and SJ was listless... traumatized. His eyes wide and his little body was trembling.

I shook off my anger, my main concern was to get my family out of here alive.

I took off the blood soaked robe and it fell with a plop on the floor.

"Bae we got to get out of here" I said quickly picking up the Machine gun

I had no time to mourn our dead friends or to be  distracted, we had to move.

I handed the small gun to Jazz

"Listen to me bae" I  said looking directly into her eyes I place my hand on her cheek

"Me you and SJ we gonna be ok, we gonna make it but you gotta ride... You gotta ride for real"

I said gripping the gun in her hand

"You remember what I taught you" I asked

Teaching Jazz how to shoot and load a gun was one of the first things I taught her when I found out she was pregnant.

Her mom and dad thought it was preposterous, but it may very well save our lives.

"SJ" I said turning to my son. He was straddling my wifes hip looking lost.

"Look at daddy" I said SJ turned and he slowly turned his head and trained his eyes on me. His eyes reflected fear and sadness and it damn near broke my heart. 

Damn I have done everything in my power to make sure this would never happen.

"SJ mommy and daddy love you so much" I said my voice cracked a little and I took a second to swallow.

"But bad people are in this house and we gotta go lil man"

He nodded his head and I kissed him on the forehead.

"You gonna have to be a big boy and help mommy ok" I said.

"Yes sir" he whispered his voice was shaky but at least he was speaking... that was a good sign

"Now let mommy give you a piggy back ride" I said shifting SJ over so both of Jaz's hands could be free.

"I'm gonna stay in front of you the whole time" I said to Jazz looking at her

" If he gets heavy let me know and we can take a break" She slowly nodded her head and I knew she understood what I meant.   I looked in one of the drawers and found Jazz a jogging suit. I put the outfit on right over her negligée I grabbed her some kicks and socks and put them on her feet tying her shoe strings tight.  I quickly got dressed in something similar .

"You ready" I said looking at her. Her face shone with determination and it made my heart swell with pride.

"Let's go get em'" She responded making me smile.  

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