How A Street Nigga Becomes A Tycoon

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After talking with Jasmines dad I realized that this wuz da best thing that could ever have happened to me. After my brief bitch moment of feeling bad about givin up my hood status, I realize dat I wuz still a fuckin hustler. I would trick all dese rich folk out dey shit wit out havin to pull out a gun. Shit diz iz legalized hustlin ! No mo Robbin, Jackin, or Killin. All I gotta do is Talk Shhhiiid dis gonna be easy den taking candy from .....


I turned to face Xavior. We were walking down the hall shit fuck dat it wuz more like a corridor In dis Big ass mansion. He pulled out of his pocket a small black velvet box and handed it to me.

I looked at him stunned

"You can make your announcement at dinner " he said softly

I opened the box and the ring literally took my breath away

It was a  Chopard Blue Diamond Ring. Da  ring, cost like freakin 16 million dollars it  had many small white and blue diamonds, stacked on, well, more white and blue diamonds. I wuz fuckin floored cuz Blue diamonds, are extremely rare and hard to find so fo dat nigga to get dat many of em wuz beyond me.

"Thank You" I said appreaciatively  I smiled knowing that Jasmine wuz gonna love it. I  closed the box and slipped it in my pocket feeling satisfied. 

Suddenly, a loud noise echoed through the room and I looked up to see my baby appear at the top of the staircase. I ran up to her and hugged her tight feeling emotions swimming in my chest. I kno I looked like a bitch in one of those pussy movies when they do da slo mo with violin music playin but I aint give a fuck !

I wuz so relived wen I saw her that dat I felt tears come to my eyes. I blinked dem bitches back and picked her up twirling her around. 

When I placed her down she smiled at me closed her eyes and passed out. 

Hey everyone ! Thanks for reading ! I kno dat this is short but thats because Im going in a new direction with the book. You know how in the begining Never Say Never wuz Centered around jasmine . well the second half of this book How a Street Nigga Becomes a Tycoon is going to be centered around Sean. Of course you will have everyones POV's Jasmines, Tati's, Victoria ,Reaper, Xavior and so on but this section will mainly be about Sean learning the ropes of the bussiness and the clients and partners he meets.   I will do a quick preface of the engagement and wedding preporations and then do a segment of the wedding / honeymoon. And Finally I will start chapter one on "How A Street Nigga Becomes a Tycoon"

Thanks for reading I hope everyone likes it !

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