Chapter 33

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                                                                       Chapter 33


"Jazz, bae wake up" 

I felt Sean's warm lips on mine and I woke up instantly. Damn I wish I woulda got up early and brushed my teeth. I slowly leaned up and rested my back on the headboard. I was still sore down there, but I could walk... I think.  

"Aww Sean" I said looking at what he prepared. In his hands was a plate with a huge pancake on it I mean it was really big, so big that the eggs were barely on the plate. On top of the pancake was two strips of bacon. He placed a cup down and slid the plate in my lap.  

"Bon Appetite" he said jokingly. I laughed looking in his eyes. I felt so safe with him, like nothing in the world could hurt me. He stood before me shirtless and I'd admired his chest openly.  

"Careful" he said eyeing me lustfully. I was still naked underneath the sheets and I clutched them tightly. He moved closer to me until he was standing over me. Heat flushed my body an I was instantly reminded of the pleasure that he good give. I felt a nervous quivering building in my stomach as we held each others gaze.  

"You know dat wenever your ready again ....," he paused looking at me thoughtfully  

"You just letme kno" he finished. He left the room. When he returned he had syrup and silverware in his hands.  

"Here" he said handing it to me  

"Thank you" I said slightly embarressed, I patted the bed and he sat down. I closed my eyes and prayed quietly. 

When I looked up Sean was looking at me. I smiled nervously and began cutting up my pancake. He watched me try everything on my plate before getting off the bed. I watched him cross the room and open his drawer. He pulled out a black sweater and some dark jeans. I frowned it was July and like ninety degree outside why would he need a sweater? He reached in his top drawer and grabbed some boxers. He pulled off his basketball pants and I almost chocked on some eggs. He bent over and I saw his massive dick hang proudly . He slipped on his boxers and jeans. He turned to look at me and chuckled lightly 

"You see sumthin you like" he asked softly. I took a small sip of apple juice and tried to steady my nerves. He walked toward me sweater in hand and climbed onto the bed. He moved the half eaten plate of food on the bed side table and slowly slid the sheets off of me. He kissed me forcefully on my neck and squeezed my breast gently. A loud moan forced its way up my throat and in his ear.  

"Sean please " I said. I was so hot but I knew I wasnt ready for him,no matter how wet my pussy was getting.  

" You know I love you right?" he whispered in my ear. He put the sheets back over me and slipped his sweater over his head. I helped him put his arms in and pulled it down. He smiled at me, then his mood changed. I felt a brief moment of disconnect, and he turned and looked out the window. A few seconds passed and the silence was almost unbearable. 

"Look ma Ima hafta to go to Chicago for a lil minute" He turned and looked at me.  

"What" I said shaking my head

"Look ma, I gotta finish this.." He paused staring into my eyes " I got another loose end I gotta tie but I'll be back tonight"

"But" I began I was about to get mad. How could he leave me after I just gave him my...

"Jazz Trust me" he said getting up from the bed. \r

"What, your leaving now?" I said tryin to get up. But my legs gave in and he caught me just before I collapsed on the bed. I squinted my eyes, I was not gonna cry.

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