Back to life... Back to reality

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"Damn its been a while"

Kee said flashin his black grillz. I still couldn't talk, I saw him shot to death with my own eyes . There wuz no way in hell he coulda still been alive. 

"Wats da matter wit you" he smirked

"Pussy got yo tongue" he laughed running his hand over his head. It wuz a gesture I'd seen him do countless times when he had dreads, now it seemed unnecessary.

"H -How" I stuttered my gun wuz still raised at his head but it wuz just a formality, both of us knew that it wuz only for show.

"Doc" he said simply

"No" I said 

"No nigga .. wat you mean " he said tersly

" I carried your lifeless body out of the warehouse, nigga I buried you, payed for your damn funeral You are DEAD" I screamed my body started shakin the gun slightly tremorin in my hand.

Kee looked at the gloc in his face and then looked me in the eye. 

"I made a deal with Doc along time ago" he said carefully 

"Wat kind of deal" I said with suspicion

"Your life for mines" 

"What the Hell are you talking about " I whispered

"Sean yo time wuz up Doc predicted that you were going to get killed in a fatal car accident he showed me you wuz gonna crash into a shorties car an get yo wig split.,and that the reaper wuz gon cum and get yo soul" 

"What " I said feelin dizzy my breaths were cummin in at a slow rate but I still felt like I couldnt catch my breath.

"Yeah so I told him to let me take your place" 

"But instead of that bitch lettin me cross over he kept my soul making me apart of his power, making me do shit fo him" 

I shook my head in disbelief, this shit wuz just too crazy !

"Wen you killed him all of the souls he had kept alive to power him crossed over.. all of them except me" 

"Why didnt you cross over" I said confused

"Becuz.. I aint have nowhere to go." 

"Wat da hell is that supposed to mean you either fly or fry" I snapped 


"What dont tell me Hell has a waiting list , too many sinners" I laughed even though it was hollow and forced. 

"Not quite " he smirked

"I got a pass" 

"A Pass?" I repeated

"Yep, basically even though I've done sum fucked up things in the past since I sacrificed my life for yours the Big Guy upstairs wuz still debating whether to let me in or let me roast But  then..."

"But then Doc screwed you over" I finished for him

"Yep so my soul wuz never allowed to be at peace and during that whole time God's answer still pending"

"So ... here I am ready for another round"

"Damn"  I cussed

"I dont believe this shit" I said

But wen I looked in his eyes I saw da truth , this wuz my big cousin who practically raised me, put me on to da game, everything wuz the same about him except his missin dreads.

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