A Date?

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We were all walking outside to go back to the hotel. I was grabbed by the wrist and turned around. I ran into Carter.

"Yes?" I asked wondering what the hell is going on. I want to go outside and get fresh air.

"I have something for you. But you will get it tomorrow if you come with me to a surprise."

"Um..ok why not." I laugh. I know I'm blushing like crazy. As we start walking outside Carter screams . My first reaction was turn around and punch him. I did and right in the stomach. I fell down laughing/crying at the same time.

"What the hell Kaitlyn" Carter said in pain.

" Yea you dont want to scare her I was slapped and kicked for scaring her" says Nichole laughing.

I walked over to Nichole and Alicia.  We started walking to the limo to go to the hotel. Carter grabbed my hand and we got in the limo together. Me Nichole and Alicia gave each other odd looks.

We all got in and I got a text from Carter.

{ C: Go to the lobby tomorrow morning at 10:30 and dress casual}

OK then... I showed Alicia and Nichole they oohed.


9:30 am

"KAITLYN GET UP!" Yelled Nichole and Alicia in my ear.

"What time is it."

"9:30" Alicia said.

"SHIT!" I ran out of bed and got in the shower.

I did all my shower stuff.

I wore the outfit above.

10:30 am
I meet Carter downstairs and he kissed my cheek. And we left

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