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Hi I'm Avalon. I try to be happy all the time, to make everyone else happy. I've had one boyfriend before and when I broke up with him he called me an a-hole. That kinda stopped me from dating. I have 5 best friends who I've known since Elementary School. Each one has a different personality.

Raquel is quiet when you first meet her, but one of the loudest people when you get to know her. She has the biggest heart and loves everyone. She's never dated, never really been into boys. She also lives with me.

Lexi is loud, very loud. Although, not as loud as Elizabeth. She's kinda nerdy, but we love her all the same. We treat her like she's the youngest, but I'm actually the youngest. She's treated like the youngest, because she acts the youngest.

Elizabeth is a drama llama. She loves to gossip. She's dated multiple guys. She's very dramatic. She's a bit nosy and gets into our business, but we never really mind. She always has to look perfect. She's takes forever to get ready.

Grace had the biggest heart. And a loud voice. I've known her the longest, she's a few weeks older then me and our mums were best friends. We've known each other from when we were in our mum's tummies

Joy can be a little rude sometimes and is not afraid to speak her opinion. I've known her since Kindergarten, then we stopped talking for like 2 years. She was in Raquel's class and they became friends, meaning I hung out with Joy more. She can be incredibly annoying and loves to play soccer.

They all slept over at Raquel and I's house last night, the day before school started. High school.

"ELIZABETH! IF YOU DON'T HURRY YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE WE'RE LEAVING WITHOUT YOU!" I practically screamed at her from downstairs.

"God Avalon, I think you just broke my ears. I need them you know!" Raquel complained.

"Well, if she doesn't get her boo-tay down here right now we're leaving without her. It's not MY fault she looks at herself in the mirror too much" I said raising my hands in surrender.

"I HEARD THAT!" Elizabeth yelled at me from upstairs. She finally walked down the stairs in her pink short sleeved shirt with holes at the shoulders, skinny jeans, and pink Vans.

"God, took you long enough" stated Joy.

"It's not my fault I had the bathroom last" everyone stared at her, she had the bathroom first because she insisted on it, making all of us use the bathroom with her in there "What?"

"You know what? Let's just make some waffles, so we can go to school" I suggested.

"I CALL CHOCOLATE!" Grace screamed running across the room to the kitchen.

I walked in and put 2 chocolate chip waffles in the toaster. Then, I put 4 regular waffles in the toaster oven. The waffles popped out of the toaster and I gave them to Grace. I put 2 more chocolate chip ones in the toaster (for me) and walked over to the toaster oven to take those out. I gave 2 to Raquel and 2 to Elizabeth. Then I put 4 more in the toaster oven. I ran back to the toaster and grabbed mine out, putting them in a paper towel. Then I ran back to the toaster oven and got all 4 out, giving them to Lexi and Joy. Then I grabbed my pancakes and a Ziploc bag full of frozen pancakes, I don't know why, but I like them.

"We need to walk, because we can't fit in Raquel's car. Right?" Lexi asked. We all nodded and headed out. Here we go, the first day of high school.

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