Birthday. Again.

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"Hey Raquel, do you think you could come down here ASAP?" Blakely asks me over the phone.

"Why do you sound so happy? Your girlfriend's in a freaking coma" I say in a bad mood because Avalon isn't here to celebrate her birthday.

"Just get here, okay? It's not something I can tell you over the phone" I hear him giggle a little bit at the end.

"Ooookay than..." I reply then, hang up.

I get in my car and drive down to the hospital. I walk in the room.

"What is it that you needed to tell me that made me-" I stop talking when I see Avalon sitting on her bed patiently waiting for me. "OH MY FREAKING MOTHER OF TOAST!" I yell, running to Avalon.

"Hey Raquel!" She says squeezing me and I equally squeeze her back. "I have to talk to you later about something, but it's not important now. So, a little birdie told me that you have a whole birthday party set up for, oh I don't know... me?" She says.

I wonder what she wants to talk about, she said it's not important now so I leave it alone. "Brandon, Houston, and Emmett did too!" I reply giving them credit, they helped just as much as I did. I noticed that when I said Houston her eyes got a little bit panicky for a split second. Nobody else would have noticed, but her best friend would.

"I'll make sure to thank them at the party" She says giving me a wink.

I think about Landon and decide, maybe I should ask her if I can invite him to the party. I'll do it later.

Then shows up everyone (and I mean everyone else). Let me name them:


Okay, it doesn't seem like that many people, but when there's already 3 people in a small hospital room and 6 more pile in at the same time it seems like a whole lot more.

"Aww! You guys are all here!" Avalon exclaims, touched by the moment.

I think we all were.


After everyone leaves, I want to have my chat with Raquel. Since Blakely hasn't been home in 3 days he thought this would be the perfect opportunity to go and visit his parents.

"What's up Avalon?" Raquel asks, sitting on my bed with me.

"The sky" I say making a yes-I-just-did-that cute face.

"Haha. Seriously" She says sarcastically.

"So, you know how I could hear and feel everything while I was in the coma?" I ask.

"Yeah" She replies looking a bit confused by the question.

"Well.. err. You know, a lot of different people came and they talked to me. So anyways, Blakely was talking to me, saying how much he loved me and he was crying. I was crying too. He just couldn't see it. He left, though I'm not completely sure why. He probably used the bathroom or something. Well anyways Houston came in and told me- h-he told me he..." I paused for a minute" he loves me" I finally get it out.

"Avalon, I need to know. Do you have any sort of liking or attraction to him?" She asks me.

"No, no, no! Not at all. He's just a friend to me" I say.

"Okay. That's good" She pauses. "And exactly what you need to tell him"

"But I don't want to break his heart! He's still my friend..." I say, tears forming in my eyes. I am frustrated with this situation.

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