Snow In

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I make it inside and immediately go to my room and pull out my trusty lap top. I go to YouTube and search up ASL alphabet. A good 2-3 hours later, I've mastered that. I look at the time to see 1:27. I should probably sleep. I shut my Apple off and set it on the floor. I got out of my bed and picked out a t-shirt and took my clothes off, realizing I still had Emmett's jacket. I pull my covers up and slowly drift into unconsciousness.


I yawn with a stretch and rub my eyes. I fully open my eyes and look out my window, to see little white specks floating in the wind. I look on the ground and see a thick layer of snow. I look into the road to see it plowed over with those big machines.

I hopped out of bed with much enthusiasm. I skipped over to my closet and picked out some clothes. Then I ran to the kitchen to see it was around 9:45. I happily walked over to the fridge and saw a note.

Hey Raquel,

   I have to talk to you ASAP. Someone showed up yesterday. Anyways, I've run out on some errands. I took your car. I like it more than mine. I left some yummies for you in the fridge. Thanks for the car.


I immediately ran to the fridge. I opened it to see cut-into-square- waffles with syrup, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, whipped cream, chocolate sauce, on a blue plate with a fork ready. I freaking love her.

I quickly sat down in front of the TV and watched the news. Blah blah blah, traffic, blah blah blah, wreck (bless them), blah bla- WAIT HOLD UP.

"All schools in Jackharold County | A/N That name tho XD | will be closed for the next 2 weeks due to the amount of snow we're going to get. Looking at this weather chart we're going to be snowed in for a good week. I highly suggest you gather your loved ones, food that'll last you 2 weeks, and other living supplies. The cause of the 1 week snow in will keep you in for another week, giving the snow time to melt. Thank you for your cooperation. Make sure you bundle up! Back to you Jimmy"

"Yeah!" I pumped my fist in the air. No school for 2 weeks. Avalon with me for 2 weeks. Well this'll be interesting.


"Honey, I'm home!" I called out to Raquel thinking I was hilarious.

"I'm sitting on the couch!" She replies.

"Okay!" I yell back.

I finish putting the groceries away and go into the living room to see Raquel. I sit on the couch next to her and look at her.

"Did I miss anything?" I say teasingly, because she's watching the news.

"Oh, just that we don't have school for the next two weeks" she says in a totally calm voice.

"Nice!" I say, putting my hand up for a high five. She slaps my hand. "Well, I have a load of groceries to put away and another in the car. Would you be a dear and get it for me?" I ask.

"Yeah sure" and she goes outside to get the groceries.

Ding dong

I walk over to the door and look through the peep hole. It's a boy with red hair (a redhead), blue eyes and a t-shirt with jeans on. He's typing on his phone.

"Yes?" I say opening the door. He doesn't look up at me. "Yes?" I say a bit louder this time. No answer. I just tap his shoulder this time. He quickly looks up at me, like nothing had ever happened. He smiled and showed me his phone.

I'm here to see Raquel.

"Oh, okay" I say and widen the opening in the door, welcoming him inside. Then, Raquel comes in with the other load of groceries, both hands full. The boy immediately goes over and helps her with them (and of course I do too).

"So, Raquel. Who's your friend?" I ask.

"Emmett" she says while making signs with her hands. I look over to this Emmett and see his face light up.

You learning sign language? He types, with a happy look on his face.

"Of course!" She said, not signing this time. "I only know the alphabet right now though" she says apologetically.

He waves his hand in the air like he's pushing something away to say No problem. He grabbed a bag of groceries a directed it towards the cabinets, asking if he could help.

"We can use all the help we can get" Raquel answered.

After we finished putting the groceries away I had to go to Blakely's house to check on him, he has a nasty case of bronchitis | A/N Pronounced bron-kite-is |. I also have to go shopping for him as well, for his parents are on a business trip, he has no other family nearby and he's sick as a dog.

"Hey, Raquel. I have to go shopping for Blakely as well. He has bronchitis and can't do it himself. I'll probably take a while. I also have to take care of the things Blakely would do around the house" I explain.

"Yeah, I get it" she replies. "We'll be here!" She says cheerfully.


"So now what?" I ask him. He shrugged back at me. "Netflix?" I ask. He shrugs again, this time saying sure. We go upstairs to my bedroom and walk in.
"Oh! I accidentally took your jacket home last night" I say while handing him his jacket. He pushed it back to me. "Come on, it's your jacket" I say, pushing again. He pushes back. I push. He takes? He pointed to the jacket and did a thumbs up, pointing at me. Then he pointed to the jacket again and gave it a thumbs down and pointed to himself. "Oh I give up!" I say, taking the jacket. Just then my phone started blinking, along with every other screen in the house.






"Looks like your my buddy for the next two weeks" I say sheepishly to Emmett.

He spelled out Netflix with his hands and we do. Four (YES FOUR) hours later we go downstairs, for me to make dinner. We had decided on Mac and Cheese. I made it and we sat down on the couch, watching TV. I finished my Mac and Cheese and set it down on the coffee table. I start to feel drowsy. I lay my head on Emmett's shoulder. He puts his arm around me and I snuggle closer to him.

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