Chapter two: how could you?

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Does Rene or Ross know something I don't? This question is still bothering me when I wake up the next morning. What if he tells me he loves me? No he wouldn't, I mean we're only 14. Does he understand we're too young?  

These are the questions that terrify me. I mean what if he was to say he loves me, what am I supposed to say? I don't love him. I like him a lot and maybe have the potential. I just don't. Am I supposed to stand there like a fool? 

"Danielle, we need to leave now if we want to get to school ontime." Jane says in a haste.  

"Ok just give me a second." I lamely plead. 

Jane sighs and goes downstairs to wait for me. After she leaves I sit in my chair and the terrifying questions reflood my mind. 

"Danielle! Now!" Jane says sounding incredibly annoyed. 

I walk downstairs to be greeted with sighs of relief and sighs of annoyance. What moody sisters, I think to myself. 

"Danielle!" I hear Rene yell from across the commons. I go to sit down with her and some other friends. "Are you excited for tonight?" 

"Rene, do you know something I don't?" I ask her nervously. 

"No, not that I'm aware of." She answeres sounding worried. 

Suddenly all my terrifying questions disappear. Nothing's going on I reassure myself. 

"Are you ok?" She asks. 

"Yeah, just nervous I guess."  

"Don't be, it's no big deal." She says sounding confident.  

Then, out of the corner of my eye I see a familiar figure. 

"Hey babe." Damon says all to sweet in a way. "Can't wait to see you tonight." 

"Me either." I say unenthused. 

"Everything's cool, right babe?" 

"Yeah, everything's fine and tonight is going to be great." 

That's when the bell rings and Damon gives me a hurried kiss then walks off to class.  

Rene and I walk to class together. 

"Are you sure nothing's wrong?" She asks again. 

"It's just nerves." I say simply 

"Why are you nervous?" She continues the inquisition. 

"What if Damon tells me he loves me?" I lamely admit that that's what I'm worried of. 

"So what if he does, just say it back." Jane says acting like its no big deal. 

"But I don't love him, and I'm not going to say it if I don't mean it." I retort.  

"What, your just going to stand there then?" She says as we sit in our chairs. 

"Honestly I don't know." 

After class Rene and I head to lunch.  

"Come on let's go get lunch." Rene says in a hurry. 

"I'm not really hungry." I say simply 

"Your not still nervous are you?" Rene questions as I walk away. I go sit at a table and wait for Rene. When she's through the line she joins me at the empty table. 

"Seriously Danielle, don't stress about it, you'll see." Rene says sounding assured. 

"Okay, no more worrying, you're right." I say confident.

"Hey babe you ready to go?" I hear Damon say out of nowhere as I wait for him after school. 

"Yeah let's go." We walk the eight blocks from school to Damon's house. While we're walking the nerves come back and so do the terrifying questions. 

When we walk into Damon's house I notice there are no cars in the driveway. "Where are your parents?" I ask confused. 

"They aren't home, we're all alone." Damon says sounding seductive. 

That's when I really start panicking. We go inside and walk into the kitchen. On the counter I find a couple of movies and begin to study them. 

"I rented those for tonight, thought we could have a movie night." Damon says. 

Then I finally start to calm down. All we're going to do is watch movies. I start to beat myself up over the fact that I was so nervous about watching a few movies. We go into the living room with popcorn and movies in hand. Damon puts in one of the movies and we cuddle on the couch and eat the popcorn.  

"Don't be afraid to hold my hand if you get scared." Damon says making sure to sound cheesy. 

"Oh I'll be sure not to." I tease him back.  

Half way through the movie I catch Damon looking at me intensely. 

"What up?" I ask. 

"I wanted to talk to you about something." Damon admits. I sit there quietly waiting for him to begin. 

"Remember our first kiss?" He asks quietly. "How it was so amazing and special." He continues. 

"Yeah, of course." I say confused. 

"Well I've been thinking, and I think we should share another first." 

"What are you saying?" I ask completely lost. 

"You know, i think we should." He doesn't get very far before I cut him off. 

"I've told you before I don't want anything to do with that!" I say suddenly mad. 

"Yeah well I didn't realize you we're stuck on the fact of staying a virgin." He says selfishly. 

"Well I didn't realize you didn't respect my morals!" I say now very mad. 

"You know I'm real sick of everything having to be about you!" He's yelling now. "Couldn't you do this just for me and stop thinking of yourself for once?" 

"I don't think you understand that sex is supposed to be a mutual agreement!" Now I'm yelling. 

"You conceited asshole!" I yell before I storm out of the door and begin my walk home. 

How could someone be so selfish? 

How do I choose such a jerk? 

Why can't I have a nice boy? 

These are now the questions running through my mind. 

When I get home I storm through the door and walk upstairs before anyone has the chance to ask any questions. I enter my room, grab my guitar, and just start singing. Before I know it I'm recording and uploading a song. After its uploaded I don't even stay in to watch as the views come in or read comments. I lay in bed and cry instead.

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