Chapter Twenty-Four: I Believe You

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"Danielle, we're landing." Derek says loud enough to penetrate through my headphones. I look up at him and nod.

"So where are we going?" I huff as I pull out my headphones.

"A small studio in West LA." Jason says from behind me.

"Mmk." I say simply. I still couldn't get Damon out of my head. I didn't even know who he was and it was killing me. I started to think of the song that I listened to last night. Obviously this Damon guy hurt me. Maybe he's an ex.

"Danielle, let's go." Derek says. I turn my head from where I was looking out of the window to the aisle where he's standing. I didn't even notice that people were getting off. Weird.

I get up out of my seat and follow Derek off of the plane. Maria and Jason were right behind us. Derek leads us to a car waiting on the runway. Somehow our bags already got into the car which I mean I'm not complaining, less work for me.

Jason starts up the car and finds his way to the freeway. That's when I looked over to Maria who was sitting next to me. I didn't mean to but I peeped at her text. It was to Derek.

Weird. He was sitting right in front of her in the passenger seat.

That's when it dawned on me that they probably didn't want anyone to know what they were taking about.

-Why don't you tell her already?

It was pretty obvious they were talking about me. Maybe Maria was trying to get Justin to tell me. I knew it was wrong but I had to read more.

-For Wrens sake. You know what would happen. What Danielle would would push him too far.

So Wren was stoping Derek from telling me. But why?

-You can't keep it from her forever.

Yeah! Go Maria! She was definitely playing for the right side.

-No, cuz she'd die before forever.

Okay, that one sucked. Derek needs comedic help.

-we'll finish this later.

Maria texts back. I catch a little smirk appear in her face before it vanishes.

-I like the sound of later;)

Okay! I am officially done reading their texts.

"We're here." Jason says. Thank goodness. Last thing we needed was two horny teenagers in this car.

I follow Jason inside while Derek and Maria lag behind us. Jason leads me into a small prep room with outfits and makeup set out.

"Danielle!" A young man says and runs towards me. He engulfs me in a hug. "How are you!?"

"Uh, good." I say awkwardly.

"Danielle, this is Ryan, our stylist." Derek says and hugs Ryan.

"Oh okay." I say and smile at Ryan.

"You've been okay?" Ryan asks.

"Bout as okay as I can get." I say.

"Still got that charm, I see." He says. "Now let's get to putting you together." He says and gives me a one over. "Damn, we're you in the Arctic? You look as pale as Edward Cullen!"

"What?" I ask confused. Who the hell is Edward Cullen? "No I was in Minnesota." I answer after my confusion subsides a bit.

"Minnesota...Arctic, same thing." He says and smiles. "Now come on!"


I spent about three hours doing promos for my album. Some of them were actually pretty entertaining. I'm pretty sure my fans will love them.

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