Chapter Seventeen: I'm Famous?

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I was in pain. I didn't know where I was or what was happening. I could hear people around me, they were talking in hushed voices. I opened my eyes even though I was afraid of what I was going to see.

"Oh my gosh, Danielle!" A middle aged woman screams as tears run down her face. She runs towards me and wraps me in her arms. Three other people run into the room and towards me. They all smother me.

"Stop!" I scream loudly. They back away looking frightened. Just then a doctor comes into the room. "Who are you guys?" I question.

They all snap they're heads towards the doctor. "Uh, you guys are going to need to leave while we run some tests." He says to them with an apologetic tone. I can see the fear and sadness in their eyes. Tears run down their faces, but they follow the orders and leave.

"What's going on?" I question.

"Uh, nothing." The doctor sends me a fake smile. I just brush it off. "I'm going to bring you down to a different part of the hospital to run some tests." He explains.

"But I don't..."

"We'll figure it out." He cuts me off.

I'm shaking. I'm completely soaked in my own fear. Who were those people? Why were they crying?

-1 hour later-

"You can come back in." My doctor peaks his head out of my room and says to someone. I'd learned that his name was Dr. Grant. He was actually very nice. Even though he wouldn't answer my questions, he still made me answer his questions.

"What's your name?" He asked me when I was in some weird giant machine.

"Danielle Fields." I answered him. I thought it was so stupid.

"Who are your parents?"

"My what?" I had no clue what he was saying. Honestly I think he was a little stupid.

The three people came back into the room. Except this time their was two more people following them.

"What are they doing here?" I ask in fear.

"Danielle." Dr. Grant says. "Your suffering from Amnesia."

"I'm what?" I ask.

"You've lost your memory. There was an accident and that's what has caused this."

I was in shock. "No. No there's no way."

"I'm sorry." He says apologetically.

"But, will I remember?"

"It's possible. I've seen patients remember everything all at once, some remember little things throught the rest of their lives, and some never remember."

I was speechless and terrified. "Who are they?" I whisper to Dr. Grant pretending like they couldn't hear me.

"They'll explain that to you." He turns around and faces the people. "I'll give you some time." He says to the middle aged woman. She nods her head in response. They all take a seat on the couch in my room.

"Danielle..." The middle aged woman says.

"Who are you?" I snap and cut her off.

"Your mother, and this is your father." She says pointing to an older looking man next to her. "And your sisters: Jane and Belle." She points to the two younger looking girls next to her.

I didn't know what to think, so I just decided to believe her.

"Who are they?" I ask motioning towards a young boy and an man who seems to be in his mid 30's.

"That's Derek and Jason." She explains. "Derek is, I guess you can say your boss. So is Jason."

"What?" I ask in confusion.

"Uh, I'm a singer." Derek says.

"Like famous?"

Derek laughs. "Yeah. But I signed you to my label and now your a singer. Jason and I manage you."

"I'm famous?!" Everyone laughs.

"Yeah." Belle says.

"Sweet." Everyone laughs again.

I had to admit it was kind of awkward. Meeting these people for the first time was scary.

"What happened?" I say. The mood in the room completely shifts. Everyone's face falls.

"Uh, let's talk about that some other time." Jason says quickly. Just then Derek's phone rings.

"I need to take this." He says looking at everyone. They just nod their heads.

I didn't really understand much of what was going on. Nobody would tell me what had happened. Everyone looked sad, so I'm guessing that this is really serious.

"This is serious, isn't it?" I ask. They nod their heads and confirm it.

"You'll be okay though." My mothers assures me.

I watch as Derek re-enters my room. "Who was that?" Jason asks him.

"Uh, Maria. My family and her are on their way."

"I don't know if she's up to meeting them." Jason whispers.

"Meeting who?"

"My girlfriend, and parents." Derek answers.

"That's fine with me."

"Are you sure sweetie, it can get really overwhelming." My so called father says.

"I'm sure."

"Okay then." My father huffs.

Honestly I wasn't up to it. I didn't want to go through any awkward meetings, but I could see that everyone was scared and hurt. If I acted as normal as possible maybe they wouldn't feel like that. Maybe this whole thing would just be easier that way.

"So what do you remember?" Jane asks.

"I guess I don't really know." I answer honestly.

"It's funny cause your the smart one. You remember everything."

"Well the tide has turned." I turn my attention to Derek. "Your girlfriends name is Maria?"


"What about your parents?"

"Jack and Sydney, and they're bringing my little brother and sister; Paul and Megan."

"Okay, I've met them before right?"

"Yeah, and just so you know Paul loves you."

"Okay then."

Just then my doctor enters the room. "Sorry for the interruption." He apologizes. "But I just learned that Danielle will be released in an hour."

"Thank you doctor, is there anything we should know? Like for home care." My mother asks.

"No, just know that things can become very overwhelming as she remembers. Try to keep her comfortable." He nods his head then turns around to leave.

As he leaves what I'm guessing is Maria and Derek's family enters.

"Danielle!" The two kids run up to me. I figure that they are Paul and Megan.

"Hey guys." I say trying to act normal. Maria walks over to Derek and gives him a hug. So do Sydney and Jack.

"Hey." Maria says soothingly as she walks up to my hospital bed.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you." I say and her face falls.

"We've met before, but its nice to meet you too." She seemed very nice but also hurt by what I had just said.

I felt like I was hurting everyone. I didn't even know how this had happened to me. Nobody would tell me. I was lost and confused. Did I even like these people? Are they really who they say they are? These thoughts took over my head and terrified me. What if they were lying?

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