Chapter Twenty- Nine: Can I?

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After Wren and I's date he took me home. It was kind of late and he kept profusely apologizing for keeping me out so long. Each time he would apologize I would just laugh at him.

It was kind of awkward when he dropped me off. I could tell he wanted to kiss me but instead we just hugged. It bugged me a little but I just reminded myself that it was best if things were taken slow.

"How was your date?" Maria asks me after I enter the house.

"It was fun." I say and smile.

She gives me a suspicious look. "What happened?" She gapes.

"Nothing." I giggle and make my way to the living room to watch tv.

"Whatever!" She says wanting in on the secret.

"Really it was...." I start but I don't finish as I walk into the living room.

Derek was sitting there.

"It was what?" He asks.

"Nothing." I say as nonchalantly as I can and turn around. "I'm just going to go to bed." I say.

I walk towards the stairs and I can hear Maria and Derek's whispers.

I ignore the fact that they obviously know something's up.

I look at the clock to see it's already 10:30. I quickly change into pajamas and crawl into bed.


"Danielle, wake up!" Jason yells in my ears.

"What?" I groan as I sit up in bed.

"You have work today." He says and I inwardly become excited. "Now get up and shower and get dressed!" He orders.

"Okay." I say and jump out of bed.

As soon as I finish getting ready I go downstairs and into the kitchen where Maria and Derek are along with Jason.

"So what am I doing?" I ask as I pour myself a bowl of cereal.

I catch Derek looking at me but I choose to ignore it.

"Your just promoting your album." Jason answers me.

"When does it come out?" I ask not remembering.

"In like two weeks." Jason answers.

"That happened fast." I say and every laughs a little.

"Yeah it did." Jason says. "Now hurry and eat we have to get going."

Once I finish eating the four of us pile into a large black range rover. The driver brings us onto the freeway and towards the studio.

"Is it just like an interview?" I ask.

"Yeah." Jason says. "It's with a very famous show, Good Morning America."

"Okay." I say simply. That explains why I had to get up so early. I have to say good morning to America.

Once we get to the studio I'm dragged to a back room where they do their normal thing to get me ready. Once they finish I have time to kill so I just chill on the sofa.

"You tired?" Jason asks as he takes a seat next to me.

"Just a little." I answer.

He sighs and I know that he's about to bring Derek up. "What's up with you and Derek?" He asks as casually as he can.

"Nothing." I say and look down at my hands in my lap.

"If you don't want to tell me that's fine, but know that your relationship with Derek was the only thing holding him from cracking. In case you haven't noticed he's a mess right now."

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