Chapter Eleven: No Secrets

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"Oh my Gosh! Where are you!?" Rene screams through the phone. "I ran back to Derek's house, I'm on his back porch." I manage to say through my tears. "Okay, listen to me Danielle." Rene says sternly. "You need to go inside and find Derek and tell him what happened."

"I can't." I say as more tears leave my eyes. "Danielle, you need to, he'll take care of it." She assures me. "Yeah well what if he doesn't! What if he just tells me it's my fault! He'll drop me from the label and no one will believe me!" I yell at her in anger. "Danielle, you know that's not true." She reasons with me. "But what if it is." I tell her. "It's not! Now go inside before I call your parents." She threatens. "Fine." I say in defeat. "You call me as soon as you can, okay?" She asks in a demanding tone. "Okay, thanks, you really are my best friend." I say then hang up.

Just go inside and tell Derek. Rene is right he'll understand. Or was she wrong? The fear causes me to breakdown again. Now, I tell myself. I somehow find the strength to stand up. I walk through the back patio door as quietly as I can while still trying to stop my tears. I can hear everyone's voices in the kitchen, But then I hear voices from the living room. Derek's and Maria's. I stop where I am and just listen to them.

"It's almost midnight. She should be here soon." I hear Maria say. "Thanks babe for doing this with me." Derek's voice says. "This whole talk really isn't a big deal, why'd you have such a problem with it?" Maria asks Derek. Wait, Talk? They must be talking about what Derek was trying to tell me the other night. "I know." Derek says. "I'm just not that good with girls and didn't know how to say it without her thinking I was some kind of freak." Not good with girls? I feel the fear creep back into me as I enter another breakdown. How will he know how to handle this? "She needs to know that you're there for her, girls at her age need that more than anything." Maria says. "I know, I just hope she understands that she can come to me with anything." When Derek says that the fear floods out of me. I gain the courage to walk into the living room. The floor creaks as I walk in and both Derek and Maria's heads shoot up to look at me. I'm a mess, standing there without any underwear, in only my bra, with a tear stained face as more tears continue to come. I try to conceal my body with my hands.

"Oh my gosh, Danielle! What happened!?" Maria says running over to me sounding as scared as I feel. I can't manage any words. I just breakdown even harder and cry even harder. "Why are half naked?" She asks me concerned. I feel myself growing weak and I fall to the floor. I feel a pair of strong arms catch me and hold me tight. I open my eyes to see Derek holding me in his lap on the floor. "Danielle, please tell us what happened." Derek says with a wavering voice as his eyes fill with tears. "Luke." I manage to say between sobs. "What'd he do to you?" Derek asks me now sounding mad. "He tried.... and I wouldn' he tried making me." I say hoping they'll get what I'm trying to say. "Maria, call the cops!" Derek tells her. Maria jumps up and runs into the kitchen to grab a phone. I can hear everyone questioning her at her urgency. I can hear the shock and anger in people's voices as she explains. "Don't worry." Derek says in a comforting tone. "I have you, and I won't let anyone hurt you." He pulls me even closer to him and wipes the tears from my eyes.

Maria enters the room. "They're on their way." She says quietly. "Okay." I hear Derek Respond. He picks me up and starts walking out of the living room. "Where are we going?" I question him in fear. I start to kick in his arms. "It's okay, I'm just bringing you upstairs to get clothes on." I dig my face into his chest and cry, hard. He sets me onto my bed and goes into the wardrobe. He pulls out some athletic shorts and one of my hockey t-shirts. "Here put this on." He says as he hands me the clothes. I put the clothes on quickly. I feel dirty and ashamed in myself. I just sit on my bed and cry.

"Shhh, Danielle, it's okay." Derek says as he sits next to me and pulls me towards him. "I'm so sorry I let this happen." "Derek, it's not your fault." I say and look up to see him crying. He just pulls me closer and holds me tighter. "I promise I won't let anyone hurt you like this again." He whispers to me.

"The cops are here." I hear Jason say and look up to see him standing in the room. Derek grabs my hand and holds it tightly. "Just tell them the story and answer their questions. That's all you have to do okay?" Derek asks. I nod my head and he brings me downstairs. I glance into the kitchen as we walk towards the living room. I see a very mad Wren, I watch as Will hugs his son and Wren breaks down. Then they're out of sight.

When Derek and I walk into the living room all I can see are cops. Derek pulls me over to a couch where Maria and Jason are sitting. "My name is detective Brown." A younger cop says as he sits in the chair adjacent from us. He looks at me with a sympathetic face. "We're going to need you to tell us what happened."

I nod and start my story hoping everyone will be able to understand through my tears. "Luke picked me up and we got into his car. I asked him where we were going and he said we were just going to chill at his house. I didn't really mind. When we got there I noticed his parents weren't there and asked him about it. He said they were out, I didn't really feel comfortable, but I didn't want to ruin the evening. We sat and talked for a while then he brought me to his room." I started crying even harder. I felt Derek grab my hand and squeeze it. "He kissed me and I pulled away, but he just kept kissing me. He pushed me onto the bed.....I begged him to stop...then my clothes were off." I stop talking. I'm now crying so hard that I can't speak. "It's okay, just tell us what happened after that." Detective Brown says. "I managed to get one hand free and get away from him. I ran out of the house and ran here." I finish. Detective Brown asks me a few more questions before getting up to leave. "Thank you, we'll contact you as soon as we know something." He says. Jason thanks him and leads the group of cops to the door.

"Are you okay?" Derek asks me. "I think so." I say still crying. I look towards Derek. "I'm scared."

"Don't be, I'm right here." He says and kisses my forehead "I called your parents, I told them that you'll talk to them tomorrow." Jason says suddenly. "Thanks." I say. "Where is everyone?" I ask him. "They all went home when the cops showed. The Jones' just live next door and Sydney and Jake just live a few houses down.". He explains. "We should probably get you to bed." Derek says. I just nod. "I'll sleep with you tonight."

"Thanks." I say and get up from the couch. "Night babe." Derek says to Maria and kisses her cheek. "You can have my bed."

"Okay, night." She says returning his kiss then gives me a hug. "I'll see you in the morning." She disappears upstairs. "Come on, lets go you must be exhausted." Derek says in a yawn. We walk into my guest room. Derek pulls down the covers. "You should probably get some pajamas on." I tell him and give a little laugh. He smiles at my laugh. You can tell it makes him a little happier to hear me laugh. "I usually sleep in my boxers, but if you...." "Doesn't matter." I say cutting him off. He stripes to his boxers and crawls into the bed next to me. "I'm sorry." He whispers. "Derek don't....." I say but get cut off by Derek. "I shouldn't have let you go out."

"Stop, no one knew this would happen. It's not your fault." I assure him. He just gives me a sad look. "You came to me." He says. "I had no choice." I tell him. "To be honest I was afraid to go to you."

"And that's my fault. I meant to talk to you...." "It's okay." I cut him off. "No it's not, your my responsibility." He's crying. "Listen." He starts. "Don't ever be afraid to come to me. No matter what it is. I'll always be here for you, you can trust me. Promise me you'll always come to me, no secrets." He says. "I promise." I say as he reaches for my hand. "No secrets."

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