Chapter Six: Can We Talk?

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"Finally! I was getting so air sick." Belle says as we're entering LAX.  

"My butt was getting sore." Jane adds. 

"Alright let's find our ride." My father says in an effort to get us to stop complaining. I look to the right 0f me and catch a glimpse of a familiar face. I turn around to get a better look when I realize it's Jason. 

"Over here guys." I say to may family as I walk towards him. My family silently follows trying not to get lost in the crowd. 

"I finally get to meet the girl that Derek has been talking about non- stop." Jason says with a big genuine smile on his face as I approach him. 

"It's incredibly nice to meet you." I say probably looking like a fool as I shake his hand. Jason introduces himself to my parents and sisters while I stand there completely dumbfounded. I just met the man responsible for creating the biggest superstar on the planet. 

"Danielle!" Jane yells from next to me. "Okay I think I got her attention." She says to my parents. 

"Why don't we go to the car." Jason says while laughing at my reaction towards meeting him. We all follow Jason to the car while he has some large sized men go into the airport to gather our luggage. We all pile into Jason's car as he starts the engine. While he's driving my parents are having a conversation with him and every once in a while I hear laughs escape from them. My sisters and I are compltley focused on looking out the window. We let out little screeches of excitement every time we see a tourist attraction. 

"So Girls." Jason says to capture me and my sisters attention. "Are you guys excited to meet Derek?" He says with a smile. Almost immediately my sisters jump up with excitement and both begin to babble on about Derek as I just sit there. Jason begins to laugh at there excitement. "Aren't you excited Danielle?" He asks seemingly confused as to why I'm not babbling with them. I look at him as a tear escapes my eye. 

"Whoa, Danielle what's wrong?" My mom asks sounding extremely worried. 

"Nothing." I answer back as more tears escape. 

"Then why are you crying?" My father questions further as everyone's looking at me. 

"I'm actually going to meet Derek Johnson." I tell them. Instantly everyone bursts out laughing. 

"You're so adorable." Jason says while looking at me through his rear view mirror. 

"I'm sorry I didn't think I'd be this emotional about this." I say quietly. 

"Don't you worry, I've seen much more emotional responses." He assures me as my family is still laughing at me. 

As we pull into the driveway of Derek's house you can hear gasps of awe coming from my family.  

"Okay." Jason begins. "Derek has made up all the guest rooms for you guys." 

"Wait, you didn't tell us we were staying at Derek's house!" Belle says to my parents in shock. 

"We would have but we didn't want to cause you guys to become even more emotional." My father jokes as he looks at me. Everyone laughs at this as I give my father our look that says 'this isn't over'. He gives me our look right back.  

Jason leads us into the mansion and that's when I cath my first glimpse if him. He walks over to Jason and gives him one of those confusing bro hugs then turns to us and introduces himself. He formally shakes hands with my parents then turns to my sisters and I.  

"Well I hear that you girls are huge fans if mine." He says in the sweetest voice I've ever heard. My sisters instantly jump into his arms as he gives them hugs and they begin again with their babble. When he releases them he looks right at me and that's when I completely loose it. I literally start bawling my eyes out in shock right in front if him. 

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