Chapter three: Who called you?!

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The next morning I wake up to Jane sneaking in. I sit up quickly and wait for her to say something. 

"What happened last night!" She yells in a whisper. 

"I take it you heard the song I uploaded." I answer simply not revealing too much. 

"Yeah! I can't believe that jerk tried to take your innocence." She says trying to hold back tears. 

"I'm fine." I say in a lame attempt to cheer her up. Who would of thought she would need the cheering up? Jane gives me a knowing look then leaves so that I can get ready for school. About an hour later Jane pokes her head through the door and tells me we need to leave. That's much better than the usual yell from the bottom of the stairs I think to myself. 

When we pull into the parking lot of my school Jane gives me a look then looks out the window. I follow her eyes and that's when I see what she sees.  

"Don't let him back in." She whispers so Belle won't hear. 

I give her a look that says I won't then get out of the car. As soon as I'm at the doors of the school Damon comes running towards me. 

"Did you seriously post a song about me!" He yells loud enough for the people next to us to hear. "With my name in it!" 

"Yes." That's all I say and then walk into the school to find Rene. Whoa he seemed mad I say to myself as I laugh. 

"Danielle!" I hear Damon yell from across the commons. The next thing I know is he's running towards me. I hear Ross yelling for him to stop but he doesn't listen. Now everyone is looking at us. 

"You bitch!" He yells loud enough for everyone to hear. Ross is still screaming for him to stop as he tries to make his way towards the crowd. I just stand there in silence and let Damon get his anger out. 

"I don't even care about you, I never did." He says. 

Then before I could even realize he was going to, he hits me. Like full on hits me in the face! As I look back up I can see everyone's jaws are touching the floor. Then I see Ross and Damon are fighting. 

"Stop!" I yell desperately, but no one listens. 

"How could you hit a girl!?" I hear Ross scream in frustration. Then before I know it Damon is on the ground and Riss is kicking him. I barge my way through the crowd and grab Ross.  

"Stop." I order him. "He's had enough." 

Ross looks at me then walk always with his fists still balled up trying to control his anger. Suddenly I feel arm grab me and pull me away from the crowd and into a nearby empty classroom. 

"Are you ok!?" Rene asks incredibly worried. 

"I'm fine." I say trying to hold back tears. Somehow Rene always sees through me. 

"Why don't we go to my house and chill, my parents aren't home so we won't have to be questioned." She tells me. I give her a nod. 

For the rest of the day we do absolutely nothing but eat junk and watch movies. Somehow after everything that's happened today she has me laughing.  

"Oh my gosh! It's 5:30!" I inform Rene. "My parents will kill me if I miss dinner!" 

"Did you even ever tell them you were coming over?" She asks wondering. 

"No, but I'm sure the school called our parents after they learned what happened. They probably just figured." I answer her. 

"Well, if you want you can wait around for my parents to give you a ride."  

"No that's alright I'll just walk."  

"Okay, be careful." She tells me as I'm walking out the door. 

When I walk through the door my parents are waiting for me.  

"Just in time for dinner." My mom says as she's looking at me. 

That's weird I think to myself. Why isn't she yelling or questioning? Maybe the school didn't call them I reason. As I sit down at the table my sisters are looking at me with the widest most obnoxious grins I've ever seen. Shit, I'm going to get in trouble. I say to myself. 

"So school today." My father starts to say.  

"I'm sorry I skipped but I just didn't want to be around everyone." I cut him off. 

"We know." He says. Whoa did MY dad just say that? "We know everything, Jane told us." 

I give Jane a dirty look to let her know I'm mad but she just laughs. 

"It's okay we're not mad, but were sorry about you and Damon." My mom says. 

Whoa this must be like a different family I say to myself. 

"Thanks." I say simply and get on with eating. I look up to see my sister still smiling obnoxiously. I look over to my parents and see that they have grins as well. 

"What's going on?" I ask annoyed with the fact that they're obviously keeping something from me. 

"Nothing." My father says still smiling. 

"Oh, just tell he already!" My mom say sounding really excited. 


"Earlier today I got a call from someone regarding you." My dad starts. "It was a man named Jason Jeep." 

"What!? Jason Jeep called you!" I say practically crying at what he had just told me. 

"Yes, but that's not all. He was calling in behalf of Derek Johnson." 

Now I was straight up balling.  

"Danielle, Derek wants to sign you to his label." My dad says sounding way to nonchalant. 

"What, no that's not possible." I begin only to be cut off by my mother. 

"Derek heard your song about Damon that you posted, he said that it was one of the most amazing songs he's ever heard." At that point I was completely speechless. 

"They're flying us out to L.A on Friday!" 

Then I completely lost it.

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