Ch. 11 C Blockin & Hoes Ain't Loyal

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Tyga Pov

I come home from the studio at 6 AM. Jordyn is in the kitchen eating Kings lucky charms. I should smack the bowl out her hand but Kylie been texting me some freaky shit while i was in the studio. So i head upstairs to the room.

"Hey baby." Kylie says as i walk in the room. Her and King are in my bed watching Jake & The Never Land Pirates. I'm trying to figure out why King is up anyways.

"Hey what up." i give her a kiss on the cheek. Than i lean in to whisper in her ear. "What's he doing up?" 

"I don't know he came in here about 20 minutes ago."  Man King is fucking up the move.

"Good Morning King" i say rubbing his head. But he was so attuned with his show he didn't reply to me. I had press pause to get a answer. 

"Morning daddy" 

"What are doing up man?" 

"The Sun opened my eyes." The sun isn't up yet. Anyways I love this little guy. I walk into my closet and change into my pajamas. I turn off the lights and lay down. King was sitting between me and Kylie. i kinda want him to move so i can be next to my girl. Its not wrong to make him move right? Well i don't give a fuck that nigga moving.

"King can you and Kylie switch seats so i can next to her." 

"You want to sit next to Mommy."I must be really tired cuz i thought he just called Kylie mommy. "Yes can switch seats so can be next to daddy" 

"O Tay. They switch seats Me & her laying down facing each other.

"T you know i love you."  She feeling mushy gushy. She must of really missed a nigga.She never really acts like this 

 " Love you 2 now lets go to sleep. as i shut my eyes i hear King shouting "Can we go to the big big big park today?I have no idea what the big park is. Kylie responds to him "Sure after lunch."

Kendall Pov

Game finally returns to the house after disappearing on me a few days ago. I don't understand when i told him i  loved & needed him, he then hurts me like he never cared about me. After he  walks in  the door i attack him. "Jay where the fuck you been?"   He shrugs. " Kenny not  right now let me shower first.

He does fucking stinks. So  i let him shower before we talk. As soon he gets out the shower and get dressed he  better be ready to talk because I'm ready.

"Where the fuck you been?"  Game runs downstairs  i  follow him. "In the fucking shower what do you mean?" He goes inside the freezer and grabs a bottle of Apple Ciroc. i Think its early to be drinking but then i'm not drinking. 

 "I've been trying to reach you for the last couple days, Where you been?"  he pours two shots. he  takes both of them.  "What you mean where the fuck I've been? your dumb ass changed the locks on the doors to My FUCKING HOUSE". He pours one more shot. Than puts the bottle back in the freezer. 

"Well if you didn't run like a bitch i wouldn't have changed the locks."  he gets all up in my face

" Yo call me a bitch again. I'll smack you so hard all of your bones will pop out." He takes a shot and slams the glass on the  counter. 

 By the stare of death he is giving me i can tell he is serious. I mean i heard from Kim that he has put his hands on Woman but never believed it until now. Even though i was a little  scared I'm not backing down from him.  

Game Pov 

"You know what Kim was right. You did hit them girls, and you know what You do not threaten me. If you ever touch me I WILL DESTROY YOU AND YOUR LITTLE RAP CAREER."  This bitch got me all the way fucked up.First you can't my career little when I'm 7 albums in. Anything Kim says is invalid blood i ran a train on that hoe.  But i'm going keep my cool but I'm close to the edge right now. 


Kendall Pov

"If you believe anything Melanie said than you must stupid. BLOOD those letters aren't my handwriting."   i think he lying  if the letters wasn't him he would've address this shit earlier. "I shouldn't been fucking with a week minded bitch like you anyways. Like how can you do come to a conclusion with one side of the fucking story? Then you bring up Kim and her lies ? I bet she didn't tell you that i used to fuck the dog shit out of her." I don't believe a word he just said cuz Kim thinks he ugly. if she will never someone like that.   

"Your fucking lying? " 

"you know what i prove it to you." He pulls out his phone and texts Kim. 

Game- Hey i'm thinking about tellin Ken we used to fuck.

Kim- You wouldn't dare !!!

           You need to b telling her bout Melanie instead  of me

           She will  never believe u over me anyways  

I couldn't believe what i just read. 

" I told you i fucked yo thot ass sister. 

Tyga Pov 

King started jumping on the bed causing me and Kylie to wake up. 

"Daddy i'm hungry."

 " I got it."

 " No you go back to sleep i got this.  King hops on my back and i give him a piggy back ride downstairs. When we get to the kitchen we see Jordyn passed out on the floor. I just walk over her and sit King down on the floor.  I yell her name to get up  several time but she doesn't answer. I check her pulse but i don't feel nothing but to be honest i really don't know what I'm doing anyways.  i see a bottle of empty pills and realize this situation is serious than her falling asleep on the floor.  

" King do me favor go get Kylie."

He runs upstairs. I call 911.

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