Chapter 1

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Effie's POV

"Princess", I heard some warm,confident and weakening voice call me. I knew that it was him but I didn't feel like talking so I kept on walking."Effs", he repeated himself. I gave up and turned around."oh hey Haymitch ",I responded.i felt that he could see the disappointment in my eyes. "Everything good sweetheart ", I didn't know if he was sober or not but he seemed like he cared."I am fine. What do you want?", I did not look into his eyes. "Nothing.  Well nothing important I guess. Let's see. ", he had noticed my eyes were tearing up and before I could leave he put his hand on my jaw so that my head rested in his hand. He looked straight into my eyes, silence but then all of the sudden "You know you're bad at lying ,so tell me. What is going on?", I still didn't feel like talking even though I saw he cared. "Again nothing is wrong with me Haymitch ", I said with an angrier voice. His hand slowly moved away from my jaw but his eyes still stared right at mine. He looked confused and also sad. "Listen I just ..I ...I'm going to see Katniss now if you don't mind." , I was sad with how I treated him but I wanted to be alone . As I was walking back to my room in 13 I stopped and looked at the door. I felt dizzy. It only took some seconds before I passed out.

Haymitch's POV

Did she hate me?
I was sober. I would only talk to her if I was sober because I was afraid I was going to hurt her when I was drunk.
I did not want to let her go like that and decided ,after some hours of thinking, I wanted to talk. I was on my way to her room as I heard a loud scream. It was Effie. I followed the sound of her repeating screams and finally landed in one of the medical rooms. " what happened? I need to be with her. ", I screamed when I found Katniss sitting at Effie's bed." We found her laying on the floor right in front of her room. She passed out. Don't worry. She is fine.", Katniss tried to calm me down. "Haymitch I-",Katniss interrupted the sweet sound of her voice.
"Don't talk now you need to rest. He can see you later" ." No it's fine I want to talk. Would you give us a minute?",Effie
Still seemed sad but at least she stopped screaming. Katniss left the room

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