Chapter 16

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Effie's POV

When we arrived at the Capitol we went into the building I grew up in.
"Is this it?" ,Haymitch asked shocked.
" Pretty luxurious.", he said
We wanted to go in the garden where I always played in as a kid.
When we were in the hall Haymitch noticed another room.
"What's in here?"
"Nothing important, just some storage I believe.",I said knowing exactly what was in that room.
"You sure you don't want to tell him?", a voice said behind us.
"Effie my love I missed you a lot. And who is this guy? Don't you want to introduce us?",it was Seneca.
"We have nothing to discuss Seneca just leave us alone.",I said angrily.
"However you want. I'll leave you alone after you've answered his question."
"what question?",I asked.Haymitch was just staring.
"He asked what was in this room?"
I started crying but I think I was hiding it well. Haymitch could still tell that I was about to let my tears drop.
"Who are you even?", Haymitch said.
"I'm Seneca. Or Effie's lover. Or just a Capitol man. Or her perfect fit. But call me Seneca."
"That's not true Haymitch he's not my lover!",I said with looking at him.
"What are we then? You just left me you little slut and now searched for a new fuckboy or what? Don't u remember what happened in this room. U should. Because you enjoyed it dear.", Seneca was so stupid.
"I never loved you!!! You forced me to sleep with you otherwise you would kill my friends and family, and what did you do ? You killed them anyways", I yelled.
"Look how disappointed your man looks love. He now knows the true you. Whore!"
"Even if she was with you once she's mine now so get out of her way or you'll have to mess with me -", Seneca interrupted Haymitch.
"Don't even continue . She doesn't love you. If she did she would have told you what happened before.", Seneca said with a smirk.
"Haymitch I love you. I didn't agree to this I really didn't. Please Haymitch don't leave me.",he gave me no reaction.
Instead he looked angry and as he was about so say something he punched Seneca in the face.
" You stupid little motherfucker! Don't you ever mess with her again. You disgusting human being", he punched him again. Harder this time." You raped my girl. You little bitch. Don't ever even look at her again did you hear me?"
Seneca full of pain and almost dead said :"yes I won't I promise"
"Now leave",Haymitch said.
Seneca left and Haymitch looked at me.
"Let's go home.", he said.

Haymitchs POV

When we arrived back at home I went up in my room real quick.
After an hour Effie knocked.
"Can we at least talk.",she was still standing in front of a locked door.
"Haymitch please. I'll leave your house and all but just talk to me"
"Come in", I said while unlocking the door. I sat on my bed and Effie joined me and sat right next to me.
"Haymitch I'm so sorry"
"For what",I asked.
"I never betrayed you. And you have to believe me. I never loved him. I only loved you. Always. Haymitch I know you hate me for this but please just look at me and believe me.",Effie's voice got more and more silent as she was talking.
"I don't want you to leave."
"What?!", Effie looked confused.
"You got raped Effie. I'm not mad at you ok I know you love me and I know you don't love him. The only thing I'm mad about is why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't want you to look at me like I would be a slut and I would sleep with everybody. And I didn't want you to think that I only use you. Because I love you.", Effie cried.
"I loved you from the beginning and I still do no less. Effs I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. I'm here. And I'll protect you."
She cried and layed her head on my chest.

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