Chapter 13

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Effie's POV

She killed Haymitch and snow. After all the crying we went back to 13. I went into my room and Gale brought haymitch into a medical room.
After a few hours something woke me up from a long nap.
It was a feeling of could I feel that? Then someone knocked on my door.
It opened and it was.....Haymitch?
"Princess",he said. No I backed up. I was scared. Was I hallucinating?
Then Katniss came.
"You know Effie I'd never kill him. I just shoot him in the stomach which made him loose a lot of blood.
I'm gonna let you alone now.",she left.
I cried happy tears and jumped into his arms.
"I missed you.", he said while hugging me tight.
"I thought you were dead." I cried so hard of happiness.
"I love you ", he let go of me and I looked him in the eyes and smiled.
"I love you ", he repeated himself.
I started crying again and I don't know why I didn't reply.
"Why did you do all of this?", I asked" you told me the kiss didn't mean anything to you.",I knew the answer I just wanted to hear it.
"To protect you. That's all I ever wanted ", now he cried. I went weak. I never seen him cry before. I kissed away him tears .
"I love you Mrs.Abernathy",he smirked and put his hands around my waist.
"You"he just said while putting his forehead on mine.
"Look beautiful.",the whole time I was Euphemia. how he wanted it in the letter.
"I look disgusting Haymitch."I freed myself from him and turned around to look in the mirror.
"It looks like... The real you. That's all I ever wanted. You couldn't look more beautiful.",he was so gentle
He hugged me from behind.
I turned around again and kissed him.
Then Katniss interrupted us.
"Sorry for taking your time lovebirds but tonight we have to be in the Capitol because Coin is giving a president speech. I know you don't want to but we have to." Then she left.
"That would be in less than 30 mins. What should I wear.!!?!?!",then Haymitch hugged me again.
"Go like this.", he said.
" No way ! Just look at me"
" I am. You'll be the most beautiful women there. Even though you're the most beautiful women everywhere.
Come on do it for me. I love you. This you. This pure YOU. It's beautiful.", I had to smile because he was so charming.
"Just for you darling.",I said with a smile.
"Darling?Thats new. I like it.",he smiled. Then we went

Haymitchs POV

She was truly beautiful. I couldn't handle one second with not looking at her. When we arrived at the Capitol everybody looked at us. And especially at Effie. She felt uncomfortable without all the makeup and wigs. And she was wearing a very decent dress. She looked like a goddess.
She leaned against me as we were walking to the seats.I whispered into her ear "You're truly born a goddess.",she had to laugh a little bit. We watched Coin do her speech and and in the end."now for the end were crowning the prettiest woman tonight....., "she called a name . It wasn't Effie. Effie was trying to hide that she was disappointed that she wasn't it.
"You know to me you're the prettiest woman of the world" she smiled again.

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