Chapter 6

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Effie's POV

I waited in my bed. Wow. That was a long meeting. What did they discuss? I found myself thinking about Haymitch all the time. I loved him and wanted to spend every second of my life with him. I mean, who knows how long I'm going to live. It's dangerous in panem.
Haymitch returned from the meeting and visited me in my room.
"Hey Effs",that voice of his left me speechless for a few seconds.
"Princess?",God I totally forgot to talk.
"Yea I'm sorry felt a little dizzy again. But I'm fine. Hello. Glad you're here. I still have to talk to you",I wanted to tell him that I loved him.

Haymitch's POV

No. If she told me she loved what would i do? If I told her I loved her too but I couldn't be with her she wouldn't understand. And if i told her why I can't she wouldn't understand either. So should I just tell her I don't feel the same?
No. I can't. I had to say something that wouldn't hurt her.
"No ....I mean sure...but I have to tell you something first.",I had to tell her something.
"Sure what's up?",she looked so happy . I was going to break her heart. I started thinking if I should break her heart or bring her in danger. No,I couldn't bring her in danger. She meant to much to me.
"I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry that I kissed you. I hope it meant nothing to you. The things I said were so cheesy. I was probably drunk. I'm really sorry and also um............just so u know.....", she already looked sad I could tell that she was about to cry but was holding tears back.
"Well mr.Abernathy I knew you were drunk", no she didn't."and of course it didn't mean anything.", yes it did.
"And I'm sorry what did u want to say?",she realized she didn't let me finish .
"Oh nothing you know I ......,I'm glad we're in a team", I had to say something.
Then I left.

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