Chapter 17

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Haymitchs POV

Effie fell asleep on my chest. Somebody rang at our door.
I carefully layed Effie on the bed sheets and went downstairs to open the door.
"Haymitch can I come in?", it was Katniss.
"Sure "
We sat down on the dinner table.
"Tell me what happened last night.",Katniss said" why didn't you come? We were going to have dinner together."
"I took Effie out to dinner."
"Such a gentleman Haymitch I'm impressed. So you do love her. I always knew."
"Can't I just take a lady out to dinner?",I asked noticing I sounded very strange.
"I'm sorry. You turned into Effie ",Katniss laughed.
Effie came down the stairs.
"Hello love", she greeted Katniss.
"Hey Effie . Haymitch just told me what you did last night."
Effie looked angry at me "oh did he?"
" Yes I told her how we went to dinner last night."
Now Effie smiled. I knew she wouldn't want me to tell Katniss what really happened. And I didn't either. It just didn't matter to me.
"Ok I'm going to leave you two lovebirds alone now."
"Katniss manners.", Effie said with a smirk.
" Tonight you will come over though. Dinner", Katniss invited us again
I was about to turn it down when Effie said"well be there"
Katniss left.
"Had a good nap?", I asked.
"Sweetheart everything good with you?", I was worried she looked so sad again.
I kissed her. She kissed me back and I pulled away after so I could look in her beautiful eyes.
"Just so you know. I don't care about what happened yesterday. You will always mean the same to me."
Effie hugged me.
"And now. Let's to me for once", I grabbed her hand and we went up.

Effie's POV

When we were upstairs Haymitch pulled a box out of his wardrobe.
"Don't worry. I'm not going to marry you yet.", he said with a smirk. All I could do was smile back.
He opened the box and in there it was a beautiful rose gold necklace. It had a beautiful little tear shaped diamond on it.
"Haymitch", I cried
" I was going to give it to you yesterday but I just thought it was not the right time."I didn't respond.
" don't you like it? It reminds me of you.the pure you. The you that I love. I just thought it would match you perfect. If it's not pretty enough it's okay."
"Haymitch are you kidding it's perfect ."I cried so hard" but why?"
" I don't know. If you always wear it I guess it will remind you that your mine.", he joked.
"Let me put it on", he said and put the beautiful necklace on.
" it's so pretty Haymitch thank you", I was still crying.
"I told you it would be just like you. A tear and prettiness is things you have in common.",he knew that sounded like crap.
I kissed him.
"Anything for you sweetheart "
"Now will you leave me" , Haymitch looked shocked.
"What now you just want me to leave? God woman"
"No darling I love you it's just in going to ready ready for dinner now. Do me a favor and don't go like this.", I smirked.
" do I really have to?"
"Anything for you sweetheart is what you said"
"Fine", he joked kissing me once again and then he left.

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