Chapter 15

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Effie's POV

On the next day when Haymitch and I woke up Katniss and Peeta expected us for dinner. We spend half a day it was time for me to get ready.
I was a little sad. I was happy to be with Haymitch and the kids but I didn't feel like home. Im still that Capitol slut.
"So ", Haymitch walked in my room "can I help you princess?"
"I'm deciding what to wear that's all."
"You know what? Maybe we shouldn't go. ", he said knowing exactly that I was sad.
"I should only spent my time with you with nobody else.", he said. I don't know why I didn't respond.
"We're gonna stay home.",he decided.
"K gonna leave you alone now. Tell me if you need anything.", he said as he was about to leave. So gentle.
"Haymitch I-",he interrupted me.
"-you love me. I know. You don't wanna talk about it do you?"
"I don't know what to say Haymitch I really don't. I don't know what's wrong with me I ...I just.", I couldn't finish my sentence. I started crying.
Haymitch came back close to me as I looked into the mirror.
"Sweetheart I love you. So please tell me what's wrong . ", he asked.
"Look I-", I turned around looking at him" I love you but what if you don't love me in a few weeks I'll just be lost again. I would have to return to the Capitol. I don't blame it on you ok I could understand if you wouldn't want to be with me but I'm just scared Haymitch. Even tough snow is dead something could still happen . I'm still a Capitol girl, a Capitol slut. It's just deserve so much better", I cried so hard it made him sad to watch, I could tell.
"Effie", he put his hands around my waist very gentle"I could not be happier with anyone. I found you. I will never leave you until you tell me to leave. You're not a Capitol slut. You're MY princess. I want to spend every second of my life with you so don't you ever leave me ok?", he said while tears were slowly running across his face.
"Haymitch you're crying."he didn't respond.
"I won't ever leave you. Thank you for being my home Haymitch "

Haymitchs POV

I kissed her. It felt so good. I hugged her . Then she wiped my tears off my face.
"I'll take you to dinner. You interested?"
"No. Let's go to the Capitol. I want to show you my childhood."
" Effie you never showed anyone."
" I know "
With a hovercraft we flew to the Capitol.

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