Chapter 18

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Effie's POV

Tonight I dressed for Haymitch. I wore a nice,tight nude colored dress to let the necklace he gave me shine.I probably should have worn something more casual but I'm Effie so I don't care,
I walked down the stairs with Haymitch expecting me already
His jaw dropped when he saw me.
"What? Don't you like this?", I asked with a big a smile on face.
"No it's wonderful. I like the necklace. Who did you get it from sweetheart??", he joked.
"A very handsome man."
"Describe him", he said.
"Well he's gentle, super loving and oh he's great in........well doing certain things", I said and winked at him.
" Oh you must've made a good pick then",he grinned.
"No I didn't. He made his pick. And I'm the luckiest girl ever to be his princess",I kissed him
"You know I love my lady",he said and then we went to Katniss and peetas house.

Haymitchs POV

We were greeted with big hugs from the kids.
When we sat down at the dinner table Katniss just bombed us with questions smiling and Peeta having a big grin on his face too.
"So Effie who gave you this necklace? Are you two together yet?"
"Have you slept with each other yet?", Peeta asked
"Peeta! Manners", Effie said shocked.
"Loosen your corset Effs just lets tell 'em",I smiled at her.
"Me.yes.none of your kids business.",he answered the questions.
Then her face went white.
"Excuse me for a second", she said stood up and found her way to the bathroom. I was worried.
She didn't come back for 10 minutes.
"I'm going to look after her", I said and made my way to her.
I knocked on the door
"Sweetheart let me in.", I whispered.
She opened the door and I closed it behind me.
"Effie you scar. It ripped open. Don't worry we'll fix this.", I said.
She was bleeding a little bit. I took a warm washcloth and gently wiped the blood away.
"This will heal. Now are you ok princess?"
"Yea I'm fine. It was just... It hurts dealing with scars from the  Capitol because I have to remember everything."
"Just think about how it's all over now. Effie now you're with me. I will protect you. Just look at me.", I said turning her face towards me. I kissed her and she was already crying.
I hate seeing her like this
"Let's go ", she said as I wiped her tears away.
"What did you guys do up there so long?", Peeta asked.
"Wrong question, Effie are you okay?",Katniss said.
"Thank you my love I'm fine."she replied"do you mind if I go rest now. I just had a long day and want to go to bed. I really don't want to be rude. This was a beautiful dinner."
"No Effie that's okay. Just go home and rest we will see you tomorrow."
"Wait sweetheart I'll come with you", I said and she smiled at me.
We both left and when we were home  Effie changed into one of my shirts.clean shirts.
I lifted up the back of the shirt in the bathroom to clean her scars once more.
"I know you don't want to but we have to clean it otherwise it will maybe get infected and hurt."
I kissed her back when I was done and she turned around and hugged me really tight.
"Haymitch can we sleep?"
"Sure princess come on."
I layed on the bed and Effie layed half way on my chest so that her back wouldn't touch the bed.
"I love you ", she said and before I could reply she fell asleep.
"Love you too mrs. Abernathy", that brought a little smile on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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