Chapter 4

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Effie's POV

Wow. I never thought I'd ever hear that from him. Haymitch. How? I was so blessed. It made me feel so safe and I could feel that I wouldn't have to fear anything no longer. "I feel your heartbeat ",I said, " I didn't know you had one".
Haymitch smiled a bit "well princess", he moved away from me again,
"I still don't"
He still smiled and left me alone in my room.

Haymitch's POV

That little trinks. I finally showed her how I felt.I know I loved her but I couldn't be with her.
The Capitol knows that I'm the mentor of the mocking jay and also that I'm in close touch with her.
If they wanted to hurt me and knew that I would be with Effie she would be in big danger, that maybe not even I could protect her from. Capitol bastards are everywhere. I wouldn't risk that. I love her too much for that.
It made me so sad knowing I found my love that made everything better but not being able to be with her because it would be dangerous for her.
"Haymitch!", Katniss said"can I talk to you for a minute?"
"No 12 not now",I really wasn't in the mood. I was too sad about Effie.
"It's important.effie", she knew how to get my attention.
She handed me a letter
"I was looking for Effie in her room she wanted to talk to me about a dress or so but she wasn't there. I found this on the floor and it had your name on it so there you go. But don't worry Effie is fine, she is just eating. Never tell her I gave you this ok",Katniss said as she was about to leave.
"Thanks 12, I won't"
Katniss left.
I opened the letter and I figured it was a letter Effie wrote to me but never gave to me.
It said:

Dear Haymitch Abernathy,
I' haven't seen you lately since we just arrived in 13. Where are you,I miss you. I need to write my mind on a paper. You will never see this but I know that you're not that unhygienic,drunk old mentor everybody thinks you are. Under the cover I believe there is a kind , gentle and loveable sober man. You don't seem like you have a heart. But I know you have one. It's bigger than anybody's.
I just don't know how you got me thinking of you all the time.
I guess there's something about you.
Don't change Abernathy


It warmed my heart. I put the letter into my pocket because it reminded me of who I can be and who I love.
She's such a dork.
I kept the letter and moved on.

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