Chapter 5

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Effie's POV

I missed him. He just left me sitting in my room. But I missed him.
I had to see Katniss and tell her everything.
"Katniss you look beautiful my love", I found her .
"And you look ....happy", she smiled a little bit because she knew it was right.
"So wanna know why?",I was so excited.
" sure but tell me later! I'm going to a meeting righ now. Coin said it was important "
"A meeting? With who? Why am I not invited?", i Semester confused. Usually in situations like this Haymitch would always say something so I'd get invited.
"Yes to a meeting with Haymitch, Plutarch and Coin. They wanted to talk to me", Then she left and was on her way to the meeting.
That was unusual. I went back to my room and waited til the meeting was over.

Haymitch's POV

Katniss came into the room. Plutarch, Coin and me were already there because I called a meeting without Effie.
"So what could be so important you'd want to take our time Mr. Abernathy ?", Coin asked.
I couldn't tell them the truth. The truth was I called them because I wanted to hear if they knew about Effie and me. If they did everyone could. That would be bad. So I called them. Her safety is my highest.
I knew that it wouldn't take long til Effie told everyone about us. So I had to do something.
" you know that Trinket?she is crazy. She came up to me and said that I had kissed her. I guess it was because she's gone insane in the Capitol ", I didn't know what else to say.
"That's not a problem. You shouldn't have called us. We can kick her out. Leave her in 12 . She'll die there.", Coin said seriously. No ! What did I do? Now they are going to hurt her.i came up with another lie.
"No she might have helpful information we need to keep her alive.", I thought I saved her.
"However you want. One of our guards can get the information out of her and watch her so she doesn't leave. She'll get shocked if she doesn't answer. More for your liking Mr.Abernathy or can we work now?", she seemed really annoyed. That's not what I wanted. I had a plan how to save her. Katniss already looked confused. But I know she knew that I lied.
"No guards. That's what I want. Then you can work. I want to watch her myself. And I want to get the information out of her.she trusts me.", I was scared for her but I knew I won.
"Okay. I hope you mean what you say. Get information. And I want to see her suffer. She is a Capitol escort. Inject her this syringe. It will make her loose her strength and hurt. So she knows who is the boss. It will inject the poison in her and it will take her blood in. If you don't come back with a syringe full of blood. I'm going to do it myself.",she meant it and handed me a full syringe.
I ran to Effie.

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