Chapter 7

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Effie's POV

I started crying as soon as he left. He didn't love me. But I'd risk my life for him. I'd die for him. I'd do anything.
How did he mean so much to me...

Haymitch's POV

I went back to the place where I could hide and only Katniss and me knew about.
I thought about some stuff.i Couldn't see her hurt like this.
I started crying. I never knew I could.
"Haymitch",Katniss came.
" no twelve leave",I knew she wouldn't
"Effie told me,I know what's up with you,I know why you did this at the meeting. It was right. I know you're sad because you can't be with her and also because you broke her heart, I know it's hard for you seeing her like this.",she was right about everything.
"There's one thing you don't know."
"What wouldn't I know?",She seemed confused.
"I'm leaving ",she looked so shocked,"I'm going to the Capitol. Of to finish the 76th hunger games"
"What?",Katniss said
"I'm going to kill snow.", I meant it. I already had my armor and my weapons ready.
"I'm coming with you haymitch I wanna help."
" if you really wanna help, watch Effie and make sure she's okay.",she accepted my decision but was still confused.
"You're going to die ", she said
"I don't care. It's for Effie. She's scared of him, he made us go separate ways.",I stopped crying.
" you're going separate if you die.",she didn't understand.
"I'm going to kill him. Don't tell anybody "
"I won't, and I'll watch Effie "
"It's a deal",I said "but give her this as soon as I get into my hovercraft .
I handed her a letter. Then I left.

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