Chapter 3

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Effie's POV

I felt sad. I really wanted to tell Haymitch what was going on with me. I couldn't.
As I walked back to my room and opened the door he was there.
" hey princess, did you have your  beauty rest?", he smiled at me.
"Very funny Mr.Abernathy but no I do not need to rest to be beautiful ", I joked,
"Very true", he was so charming and it was unusual but I loved it. I was blushing .
"Well..I...I think I go now and ...."
"And what", he said as he moved closer to me" you want to run away from me again?"
"No I just have many things that I.....don't have time now", I was stuttering.
"Well you should take time for me. You really should.", he was acting weird but gentle.
"What do you mean? I...I..shouldn't I should -",his laugh interrupted me
Then he continued talking "look Effie you can tell me anything, and remember ...we're in a team together.", he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him." I promise I'll always be there for you", he whispered into my ear.

Haymitch's POV

I made our lips touch and gave her a gentle kiss.
She wanted to kiss me back but I moved away so I could look in her eyes again.
" no!", she screamed, " stop Haymitch please understand! Don't hurt me", she started crying " why stop Effie. So you can let your fear dominate you. What do you want to do. Be afraid and letting your ridiculous fear use you like a doll. And do you always want to hide your true self under that makeup and wigs and outfits. Tell me Effie honestly. What I'm I supposed to do? Do you want me to leave? Tell me to leave ", I screamed at her so angrily it made her cry even more but i couldn't stop myself." Effie do not hide yourself. Don't be afraid. You're beautiful ".
We both were shocked because we both didn't know I was about to say that. " So you know why-", she finally talked but I interrupted " yes Katniss told me ." I grabbed her hands and placed them on my chest. Then I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her tightly and real close again.
"You obviously don't know how much you mean to me",I said and kissed her. She still looked sad so I let her go and wanted to leave. "Haymitch stop", she said and turned me by grabbing my hand.
" I'm scared but that has nothing to do with what I feel."
" if it didn't you would trust me. You would know that I love you. Without the make up,the wigs,the outfits. You would know that I will protect you, always and you would know that I would never leave you. I'll be there Effie
By your side.", I wanted her to know how I felt.

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