How You Met (Sky)

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Your P.O.V
I just ran away from home... now your probably wondering, (Y/N).! Why you do dis. Well long story short "family issues". It's normal for a 20 year old to get pissed off with their parents, and run off, with nothing but a car, some suit cases, and tickets. Anywho, I am going to Pax East cause why not, it will get my mind off of the whole "running away" thing, and all of my favourite youtubers will be there, including the one and only skydoesminecraft. I am not a fan girl, it's just he inspired me to become a youtuber. (if u don't wanna be a youtuber, well to bad)

*time skip to pax cause I am lazy*

I walk threw the front doors, and stair at what I see before me, still stuck in my own world I suddenly get snapped out of it, when I hear someone ragging not to far from where i stand. I was curious so I went to go check it out, and to my surprise it was Sky, going complete rage because he kept dying on Jins level in the game "Super Mario Maker". Seeing him die once more made me burst out laughing, which caught Skys attention. He looked at me, and I turned away, feeling my face heat up. I then feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn back around to see Sky right in front of me, and my cheeks go a dark red 'why do i feel so nervous right now, he is kinda cute.. no what are you thinking brain, you can't just say that' I thought to myself. "umm, hey" Sky said, finally breaking the silence. "h-hi" I stuttered hoping he didn't notice. "so what was so funny", "what?" I questioned. "Well while I was over there constantly dying over, and over, and over again in that rage inducing game, you were standing right here laughing your ass off" Sky explained, smirking at me. "What, it's not my fault seeing you struggle is the funniest thing ever, kinda like that one "Minecraft hunger games you did with Tyler and you legit put 'rage' in the title" I said, trying not to die of laughter once more. "oh so you're in the Sky army aren't you", "and what makes you say that" I questioned. "Well you kinda just quoted one of my videos, and you're wearing a Sky army shirt" he laughed. I looked down at what I was wearing "oh yah, kinda forgot I was wearing this". Now both of us were laughing, people walking past us thought we were insane. "You know what, I like you, we should hang out sometime, give me your phone and i'll put in my number" I take out my phone, and stop. "well I don't know, I just met you, and you seem kinda sketchy" I smirk and hang my phone in front of his face, mocking him with it. Then suddenly Sky takes my phone and runs, it took me a sec to comprehend on what just happened but then I chase after him. After at least 5 straight minutes of running, Sky finally stops, and gives me my phone back. I punch Sky in the arm, still trying to catch my breathe. "Hey, what was that for?" He pleaded, while giving me puppy dog eyes. "Thats for taking my phone, and then making me run" "Well by the looks of it, you kinda needed that run" I gave him a death glare "Was that a fat joke you asswipe" He screams and runs once more but this time i catch him. "No please don't do dis, I fan, I FAN NUU..!!!" Sky screams making it sound like he's being murdered. By that time we were both on the ground dying of laughter. "Hey Sky" a familiar voice yells "I have been looking everywhere for you", once the figure comes closer i realize it is Jinbop. "Oh sorry man, I was just talking with... wait, I never got your name?" "(Y/N)" I said still dead on the floor. "hmm, pretty name" I blushed, and tried my best to cover it. "Well, I have to go before Jin kills me, so I guess I will talk to you later?" He said before turning around. "Wait" I yelled for Sky and ran up to him. "How will you get a hold of me?" I questioned. "I'll find a way" he smirked and continued walking with Jin. Suddenly my phone goes off and I see that I have a message. I unlock my phone and check it out.
Sky💛: Hey
'That sneaky son of a gun'

A/N: Well that was part one to the sky story. I will be posting part one to Ross, Jin, and Barney at some point in time. But I hope you enjoyed, if not then whatever, this is just for fun.... But until next time, Cyah.

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