Meeting His Friends (Nick)

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Your P.O.V
I begin walking down the street with Ghetto, Shark, and Nick in front of me.

I then see two other people ahead of us.
"Nick. Did you guys manage to find anything?"

"No nothing important" he replies.

I then push through from the back "how rude" I then punched Nicks arm.

"And who's this?"

"(Y/N) this is General Uni, and that is Cory" Nick explains, pointing to the two men.

"Hi, nice to meet you both" I shake both of their hands. "Where's Ak and Jess?" Shark asks.

"We're not sure, they probably went on a supply run"

"Well since the White House just blew up, why stay here" Everyone looks at me puzzled. "Winter is here and if we don't move somewhere warmer we could freeze or even starve to death"

Nick looks at me and smiles "that's a great idea, but I don't know if the group is ready to move. And we could starve while on the road"

Cory then jumps in "well would you rather starve trying, cause I think that's a better way to go in my books" the general nods his head.

"Nick, it's the only chance we have of surviving" Ghetto says. "And if we are going down south, we could find our way to the CDC, there has to be people there" Shark explains.

"Ok fine, we will head off tomorrow because Ak and Jess still aren't back yet, and once they are back, I'm pretty sure they would want to rest" everyone nods and we walk to the closest building, and begin to set up a small camp.

After finishing up the camp I turn and see someone walking towards us. I quickly pull out my gun and point it towards the guy but Nick pushes it back down. "That's Ak, he's a friend, so don't shoot him"

"Hey guys" Ak says.
"Hey Ak, where's Jess?" Nick questions walking towards Ak.
"She needed to go do something" Nick nodded and walked back over to me.
"Ak, this is (Y/N)" Nick introduced me yet to another one of his friends.

Ak smiles and walks over to Shark.
I decide to try and get to know everyone a little better starting with Ghetto.

"Hey Ghetto" I say, walking towards him. "Hey (Y/N), what's up?"
"Nothing, I just want to get to know everyone better" he then pats the spot next to him, and I sit down.

"Ask me anything you want" he smiles.
"Ok then what are your likes and dislikes?" I ask.
"I dislike zombies and cannibals, and I like peaches" My heart skips a beat when he said cannibals, but I try and play it off like nothing happened.
"Here" I reach into my bag and take out a can of fresh peaches. "Thank you, I think we are going to be pretty good friends"

"So the only reason you are friends with everyone here is because they give you peaches?" Trying my best not to laugh. "Yah pretty much"

"It's sad cause it's true" Nick barges into our conversation. We all begin to laugh.

"Ok everyone, I think it's about time to get some sleep, I will take first watch of the night" Nick yells. No one argues and just lays in their separate beds.

I walk over to mine and slowly start to fade into slumber.


After walking for miles, I finally arrived at this small city. I've heard that there are people here, and I have seen banners saying to go there because it's safe.

And I'm here, but there is no one to be found. "Hello" I yell. Nothing.

Then suddenly a man dressed in red stepped in front of me. And a bunch of men swarmed me.

"Look what we have here... Dinner"
I stumble back. 'A cannibal'
"Knock her out and throw her in the dungeon, but don't rough her up to much"

I was then hit upside the head by a large object.

I quickly sat up, a sharp pain coming from the side of my head. I take in my surroundings, and my eyes land on the door out of this cell. And it was open.

I don't know how, or why. Maybe someone else was down here and is also trying to escape.

I walk out of my cell and down the hallway, I was about to walk out of the door when I was attacked by one of the guards. I struggled to get free but he was to strong. The guard then held a gun to my head. I then heard the sound of gun fire.

I thought I was dead, but I wasn't. Still shocked, I slowly turn around and see a man. 'He must have been the one to let me out'

"I can see you're in shock, but I need you to run, leave this place now before you get killed"

"Can I at least get your name?"

"Sky... Now go!" I see a bunch of guards in the distance. I turn around and run.

~End of Flashback~

I shoot up out of bed "Sky". I look down at myself, covered in tears and sweat. I look back up and see Nick, with a look of worry in his eyes.

"What happened" I could hear sound of concern in his voice.
"Nothing it was just a dream" tears begin to form in my eyes.
"A dream... Or a memory"

And that's when the tears begin to fall. Nick sits down and gives me a hug. I cry into his shirt, flashes of that dream going through my head.

He pulled back and looked at me. "When you woke up, I heard you say Sky"

I told him the whole story about how I was captured by cannibals, and how I was saved by Sky. "Do you know him?"
I ask.

"Yah I did know him, everyone here knew him. But he's dead" I choke back on my tears. "Well wherever he is, it's probably a better place then here"

Nick nods. "Ok you should go back to sleep, my shift just ended and Ghetto is keeping watch, so I'm going to go and get some rest as well" Nick stands up and begins to walk away, but I stop him by grabbing his hand.

"Can you stay with me?" I ask.
Nick nods, understanding the state that I'm in. He lays down next to me and wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him.

I hide my face in his chest, taking in the warmth Nick had to offer on such a cold night.

Nick kissed the top of my head "goodnight" he says. "Night"
And with that, we both fell asleep.

A/N: and there it is, the second chapter for Nick. I have so much in store for this story, and so many ideas. I really hope you are enjoying it so far. Also, I won't be adding certain things to the story, like when they go to the prison, it will not be added. But anyways, like, comment, all that stuff, and I will talk to you all later.

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