You See Him Again (Ross)

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Your P.O.V
I get awoken by the sound of your alarm. I turn on my side and hit snooze, now just laying in bed trying to get my brain to turn on. I then finally sat up and looked at the time, "10:13am" I mumbled. "I am going to be late", I then jumped out of bed and ran to my closet to find something to wear, I grab the first thing I see and put it on, (what ur wearing is the picture above) I then take my apron, put on my shoes and run to the car, I hop in and start up the engine, then zoom off to work. Once I finally arrive, I put on my apron and get to work.
Its a very slow day today, no one has come in to eat and its been 4 hours. Suddenly the door swings open and I see Ross come in, but none of his friends are with him. "Hey Ross" I yell to him. "Wassup (Y/N)" he runs up to me and smiles. "Andrew isn't here, his shift is later" I explain to Ross "I didn't come for Andrew I came for..." Ross paused and looked straight into my eyes, my heart then began to speed up. "I came for... something to eat" and with those few words my heart shattered. "Of course... right this way" I grabbed a menu and showed him to his table. "So what would you like to drink?" I asked. "Mountain Dew... please" He said, then looked down at his menu. "Ok, I will be right back with your drink" I turn around and walk towards the kitchen and the whole time I feel eyes on me. 'I know that I have feelings for Ross. He comes here everyday with his friends, and everyday it seems like he doesn't even know I exist' my vision becomes blurry because or the tears trying to escape, but I keep them from falling. I grab Ross' drink and go back to his table.

Ross' P.O.V
(Y/N) walks into the kitchen to get my drink, I watch every step she makes. 'Why can't you just ask her... because she will reject you.... you don't know that... she doesn't care about you Ross, just give up.... no, I will always try, she will be mine' My mind and my heart are battling, each for a different cause. An angel snaps me out of thought. "Here is your mountain dew, are you ready to order?" she asks. "Hmmm?" "I said are you ready to order" I look up and see the angel, (Y/N). 'I can't take this anymore' I get up and storm out of IHop, once I get to the parking lot I stop and sit on the curb, I put my head in my hands trying my best not to burst into tears. 'I should just leave, never talk to her again, she doesn't share the same feelings as I do' "Ross... are you ok?" I turn around to see (Y/N) standing there, with the look of worry in her eyes. I turn back around "Yah... I-Im fine" I say "Ross, you have been coming to IHop for god knows how long, and I know when something isn't right"

Your P.O.V
"I said I'm fine!" Ross yell at me, and when he did it felt like being punched countless times in the chest. Trying real hard not to cry "Ross tell me what is wrong!" I scream, coming closer to him. "It's nothing! Just... just leave" and thats when I broke, tears rolling down my face. Ross quickly turn around and sees me crying. He gets up and wraps me into a hug. "I am so sorry, I just don't know what came over me" Ross says in a soothing voice. I pull away from the hug and look into his eyes "Ross please, tell me, what is wrong" I cry out. He puts his hands on my face and wipes away the tears.
"(Y/N) I have wanted to tell you this for a while and well.... I....."

A/N: Omg that cliffhanger though. I apologize for not uploading yesterday its just that I'm still really sick, and I got a crap ton of homework... I also apologize for the chapter being shorter then usual. Your probably wondering why I apologize so much, well I'm Canadian so deal with it. Anyways I guess I shall talk to you all later....

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