When Life Begins *Final* (Max)

666 28 13

*Time skip 9 months*
(Deal with it)

Your P.O.V

I woke up with a terrible pain in my stomach. It was so unbearable I could barely move. I began to sob not being able to keep it in.

I guess Max heard because I could hear him yelling my name as he rushed into our shared bedroom.
"(Y/N)! What's going on? Are you ok?!"

"Do I look ok?!!" I yell back.
"Well, I mean" he chuckled and I gave him a death glare, shutting him up.
Suddenly my water broke.
The room went quiet and Max's face went pale.
"I have to get you too the hospital now"

He ran over to the bed and helped me up, not helping the pain that was still occurring. We walked out of the bedroom to the front hall. I quickly slid on my shoes and Max did the same, grabbing his phone, car keys and a small box in the process.

At the moment, I didn't bother questioning it

He opened the front door and of course it had to be raining.
Max helped me to the car and opened the car door.

Once I sat down, I screamed out in pain, the feeling getting worse.
Max ran to the drivers side and quickly hopped in, starting up the car.

Before pulling out of the driveway, he looked at me "everything will be fine, just close your eyes and take deep breathes"

I nodded and I felt the car backing up.
I closed my eyes, feeling tears fall down my face. Just by the roar of the engine, I could tell Max was driving as fast as he could.

We got to the hospital and Max parked the car outside of Emergency. He noticed two paramedics beside an Ambulance talking.

"One second,  don't go anywhere"
I gave him a 'where am I supposed to go' look before he ran off.

Max then came back with two paramedics and a stretcher.
They helped me onto it and quickly pushed me through the Hospital doors taking me to a room.

A Nurse then came in and hooked me up to a machine.
The pain kept getting worse. I let small sobs escape my lips. Max took my hand and kissed my cheek.

Max's P.O.V

I could tell that (Y/N) was in a lot of pain. I tried reassuring her that everything will be fine but I'm not sure if it's working. The Doctors rushed in and (Y/N) began too scream bloody murder.

"We ask that you leave this room immediately" one of the doctors said.
"No! I'm not leaving her!!" I then notice that her heart rate was speeding up.

"You need to go now. We will call you back in when the baby has been born"
I give (Y/N) one more look before leaving the room.

My heart was probably racing just as fast as hers. I could hear yells and screams coming from the room.
I texted Ross telling him to come to the Hospital as fast as he could.

Tears were spilling from my eyes at this point. Who knows what could be going on in that room.
I sat down in a chair across the hall and closed my eyes, hoping this was all just a dream.

Ross' P.O.V

Once I got Max's text, I rushed to the Hospital. Not caring about any traffic laws at the time.

When I got their I asked the lady at the front desk what room they were in.
"Second floor, room 206"
I nodded my head and ran as fast as I could.

I was just down the hall when I noticed Max asleep on a chair.
I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. He jumped at first and looked at me, relaxing when he figured out who it was.

I could tell he had been crying.
His eyes were red and puffy, and his cheeks were tear stained.
"How long have I been out?" Max asks, rubbing his eyes.

"Probably only about 15 minutes"
He took a shaky sigh and looked down at his feet.
I sat down in the chair next to him, and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Trust me Max, she will be ok, (Y/N) is a tough cookie"
I got Max to chuckle from my words.
He looked at me and smiled, but I could see in his eyes, that all he wanted to do was cry once more.

"Yeah she is, isn't she"

Another 10 minutes passed, and no sound had come from that room.
Suddenly the door opened and Max shot up from his seat.

"How is she? Is (Y/N) ok? How's the baby?"
The Doctor sighed and looked down at his clipboard.
"Well, the baby is happy and healthy, but your girlfriend didn't take it too well"

"What do you mean?" I chimed in, slowly getting up from the chair.
"The umbilical cord got wrapped around your child's neck. The only way to get him/her out, was to do a C section. During this procedure, (Y/N) lost a lot of blood. She will be ok, but is currently unconscious. She needs as much rest as she can get"

Max's P.O.V

I tried to choke back my tears.
I looked at Ross and could tell he was doing the same.
"Can we see her?" I asked.
The Doctor only nodded and moved out of the way.

Me and Ross slowly walked into the room, seeing (Y/N)'s pale body made me feel terrible.

Ross sighed and a single tear ran down his cheek.
"I will give you some time with her" Ross said, before turning and leaving the room.

I sat down in the chair next to her bed and took her hand. It was cold.
Tears poured from my eyes, I couldn't contain it any longer.
"This is all my fault. I was the one who got you pregnant"

I then remembered about the box I grabbed earlier and took it out of my pocket. I opened it and saw the diamond ring that was laying inside.

"This was going to be yours, a start to our future together, we have a kid now for crying out loud" I chuckle a bit at what I'm saying.

"I was going to wait until later. When we came home from all of this. I would have taken you out too dinner, or brought you to the park. This day was going to be perfect. Especially since you were going to spend it with me"

"Please (Y/N), please wake up. So I can just say these four words...
Will you marry me"

I then feel something squeeze my hand.
I look up from the box and see (Y/N)'s beautiful (E/C) eyes are open.

"Yes, of course I'll marry you"

A big goofy grin was plastered across her face, and I couldn't help but smile back.

This is when my life begins.

A/N: I know I haven't uploaded for a few months. Happy New Year btw!!! Also, thank you all so very very much for 45k reads.
I apologize for this shitty ending, I tried. Thanks too all of you who stuck around for this chapter too release, and welcome new comers, sorry for making you all wait.
Anyways, like, comment, all that stuff and I will talk to you all later.

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