Everything's going to be ok...?

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After finally talking Phil into coming back to the flat I allowed him to lead the way home, I didn't realise just how far away we actually were when I was with Dan because all I could think about was finding Phil and making sure he was home safe. It took us just over two hours to get back to the flat, when we were looking for Phil time felt like it went by so fast. We finally got back to the flat at 3pm and I put my key into the lock and pushed open the door. We climbed the stairs to the door of the flat and Phil grabbed my arm as I was about to open the door.

Phil: "I don't think I can do this"

Grace: "yes you can, you're my brave little lion and you can do anything. Talking to your best friend should be easy for you" I smiled and leaned up to kiss his cheek before taking his hand.

He gave me a reassuring squeeze and I pushed open the door. The apartment was silent with no sign of Dan having even come home at all, Phil closed the door behind us as we walk up the stairs to the front room. Still the only sound that can be heard is Phils loud and clumsy footsteps as we climb the stairs, worry begins to set in as I begin to think out scenarios in which Dan has been kidnapped, hurt or even murdered. I walk straight into the living room only to discover what I already assumed, he's not there. I walk down the hall to his bedroom only to come to the same conclusion, no Dan.

Grace: "I'll phone him" I say to Phil as I walk into his bedroom and sit next to him on the bed.

I pull out my phone and bring up Dans number while I rest my head on Phils shoulder, I press 'call' and put it on loudspeaker. It rings... and rings... and rings... after the 7th ring the line goes dead, so I try again and the same thing happens. Third time lucky, I take a deep breath and once again press call, as the phone rings my mind wanders to a place I've been avoiding for a while. Images of Dans lifeless body flash through my mind, the car that smashed through the shop window and the pain that started in my heart then broke me down piece by piece until I was unable to stand. Having to watch the paramedics bring out a body bag and not knowing if it was my best friend or not ripped me apart from the inside out...

Dan: "Hello?"

Grace: "oh my god Dan! Where are you? Are you ok?" I blurted out

Dan: "ok, calm down" he said calmly "I'm fine I just needed a walk. So, how is he? Is he ok? Is he home? Does he hate me? Tell him I'm sorry and I was stupid"

Phil: "so in order I'm fine, yes I'm home and no I could never hate you Dan so don't you ever think that! I'm sorry too, we both said things we didn't mean but I'd rather talk to your face instead of a phone"

Dan: "I'll be there in 10" and with that the call was ended

Phil: "I think everything's going to be ok" he whispered

But I knew differently, after all of this it only confirmed I was making the right choice. I'd hurt Dan and Phil too much, put too much strain onto their relationship and caused this to happen. Nothing was going to change my mind about this, it's happening all over again. But this time the difference is I'm the one leaving them.


Ohhhh!!! I thought I'd add some drama just after PINOF7 gets uploaded to mess with your emotions ever more haha. So what was your favourite part/parts of PINOF7?? All I'm saying is mushroom, fanfic and friendship.
So did you see that one coming? We're getting close to the end now, where will she go? will she tell them she's leaving? will they be able to stop her? I already know because I'm writing it but let me know what you think in the comments and anyone who gets it right wins a virtual cake. Stay sweet internet, until next time :)

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