❤ When You Two Meet!

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• Video By: parsley lion
• I don't own ''Yu-Gi-Oh!'' Characters!
(Also, sorry for mah bad english ;w;)

Yugi Muto:
You are sitting on the bench, listening to the song. Feeling music from the headphones, you are waiting for your dear friend to arrive. But, your world snapped into little pieces when you see some bullies. Typical little boys, but they are bullying one little, tiny kid. When you saw that, you got little angry, like, why are they bullying someone like that!? You got up quickly, hiding headphones in your bag. You stand in front of bullies. ''Hey, you two!'' They turned to you, but, they got scared sawing that you are taller. They rushed down the street without any word. ''Hey, need help? My name is (Y/N) (L/N).'' The boy with cool hair smiled, showing you his violet eyes. ''Thanks, my name is Yugi.'' The kid smiled warmly.

Yami Yugi:
You are now in big trouble, you are running from some enemies. Trying to escape, you trip. Now, your leg hurts, and you feel a little tired. Whispering that to yourself how stupid you are, you hold tightly your left leg. Closing your eyes, you decided to be there, where you are, not trying to move. You gave up. Crying and thinking just bad things to yourself, you heard familiar voice. First, you don't know who it was, but, you think a little. Is that kid you save from bullies last week? (If you don't understand, read little story for YUGI MUTO) But, you can't see who it was, It's dark and rain is covering you. But, that little childish voice turned into strong, mature voice that made you more curious. ''Leave this beautiful girl alone.'' The enemies laughed. ''You will stop us?'' ''Of course.'' ~After the duel~
''Ma'am, are you alright?'' You see some shadow in front of you. You sighed, and laughed nervously. ''Y-Yes, b-but my leg hurts, and--'' ''I'll take care of you.'' Man whispered, showing his violet eyes in the dark.

Seto Kaiba:
You stand in front of big building. Building looks awesome, huge and rich, you decide to step inside.
You are so proud of your father, he works on place like this. You are now inpatient to see him. He is one smart and funny man that make your childhood awesome. Remembering that what all you have done next to your father, you finally saw him. He was standing next to one tall, but pretty man with ocean blue eyes. ''Daddy!'' You pulled out one childish voice, making your father laughed and hugged you. ''My dear (Y/N). I see that you didn't change to much!'' He turned to the man. ''Boos, this is my daughter, (Y/N) (L/N).'' He smiled to the young man. ''Nice to meet you miss (L/N). My name is Seto Kaiba.'' When you heard his voice, you smiled warmly. You know that he is perfect.

Ryo Bakura
Walking through huge park with your best friend Tea, you see some cute guy with white, messy hair.
Tea just frowned, she knows that guy, but you didn't. He is holding some of the cards, but wind take away one of them. Guy just yelped, looking where card is. You just sighed with understanding, you smiled holding the card. "H-Hey, your card" you smiled approaching to the tall boy. He smiled back, and use the missed card. "Thanks, you are wonderful!" Tea smiled at you two, new couple just born!
All day you are talking about that guy, and how cute he was to you. When you are talking, blush is spreading down your face. Tea just laughed at you. "Oh, (Y/N), you fall in love? Didn't you?" You nodded quickly.

Joey Wheeler
"Hey there!" You heard one happy voice of some, guy. When you turned you saw one familiar boy. He is actually following and watching you every day. You felt a little uncomfortably with it, but you gave him a bright smile. "Oh, hey..." You said a little nervously. Guy with blonde messy hair shows you his white teeth and start a talk with you. "You want to be my friend? I heard a lot of things about you, like, uh, you have sexy-- I mean, pretty smile!!" He blushed. But you laughed at him, he is actually very funny. "Oh boy, of course" You laughed a little louder, hidding your face a little. He smiled. "My name is Joey, Joey Wheeler!" You stopped, and sigh. "My name is-" "I know! It's (Y/N) (L/N)!! Your name is also pretty!" You sighed slowly with little blush and smile on your face...

Jaden Yuki
"Uh, (Y/N). You know who is Jaden Yuki?"
Your mother asks you. You said no, actually, you don't know anything about that person. "Um, no? Who is Yuki? Maybe one short girl in my school?" you started to think. "No, her name is Yuna..."
Your mother raised an eyebrow. "He! Not she!" But you didn't listened to your mom, you are thinking about how ugly and rude is Yuna to you. "Oh (Y/N)! You just need to show Jaden Yuki something about school stuff! I am good with his parents, and he is same age as you are!"
You just nod, don't hearing all words what your mother said.
Next day, you grabbed the bag, and rush outside. When you finally arrived, you entered Jaden's room. You are still thinking that is the house of Yuna. (XD) "Okay, Yuna! Show yourself!" Jaden scream, and he accidentally hit you. "Agh!!" you yelled, like Jaden. "Who are you?!" You both asked each other in the same time. "Hey, I imagine you in some sexy outfit, and with little, you know, bigger breasts!" "I imagine you like one girl! And I think... Wait, bigger breasts?!" You hit him. (Lol, I laughed at this a little XD you two are cute together!! XD)

Yusei Fudo
Luna and Leo, two cute dudes who you loved the most. You are going in the same school as they are, and you are talking to them everyday. Sometimes Leo learn a lot of you in duel, and Luna just enjoy every make-up with you and Akiza. But, there is a lot of things that bothered you when you are next to Leo and Luna. Like, who is that handsome, and kinda cute man who is in garage with duel-runners?
Mint green haired girl always talk about him, she always say that how he is strong, smart, fine and brave... He saved the world a lot of times, he saved his friends, everyone loves to be in his company...
His name is, Yusei Fudo... Today, Leo invited you to his house, just to check his skills in duel. And you nodded with understanding. Of course, you are now, in garage, where that, Yusei, Fudo, is always.
You grabbed some cards, waiting for Leo to come back, he currently can't find his cards. So, you decided to sit on the chair, and wait. ''Oh, hey ma'am,'' You snapped out of your mind, looking at the strange guy, or maybe, Y-Yusei, Fudo? ''Oh, hello sir!'' You stood up quickly. Then, you heard his soft laugh. ''Don't call me sir, enough is Yusei.'' Then, you blush, and smile. How cute he was when he smile... You two are meeting each other, but Leo come quickly. ''Hey Yusei, sorry for this, but your girlfriend have to teach me about duel monsters!'' Leo laughed. Yusei blush, and give you a glance, but you are looking at Leo.

Jack Atlas
Working at cafe with your friend who is always around Jack Atlas is not that easy. You liked a little Jack, but you know he'll never notice you in the way he notice someone else. He is one brave and famous duelist. But, you? You are just a typical girl who loves cute things and work in cafe because of illness of your mother... You love that woman so much, and she is for you everything. You'll do everything just to see her smile again. You sighed, looking at the cup of hot coffee, who Jack loves the most also. You decided to use the coffee, and approach to the man you loved. ''Here you go sir.'' You said nervously. Jack just smiled. ''Thanks miss (L/N).'' You blushed, thinking, how did he know your name?! ''W-Wait, you know my name?!'' ''Yes, I heard so much about you. You are duelist too, and you are great in games like that.'' He smiled warmly. ''W-Well, I like card games...'' ''Me too. You know, sometimes we can play together.'' You nodded quickly giving him cute, childish smile. ''Well, I'll wait for you, miss (L/N)'' He said and wave at you slowly.

Crow Hogan
You are something very funny for kids. You al ways spend a lot of time with kids who lost their parents. You actually know how it was when you lost someone who you loved the most... But, stop with bad memories! Let's play with kids. ''(Y/N), you reminds me of Crow Hogan!'' You are silent now, who is Crow Hogan? ''Yeah! She is kind, and great with us! She is awesome, just like Crow Hogan! Isn't she?'' One boy said, then one girl with orange messy hair added. ''I love so much our friend Crow Hogan!'' Every kids nodded and smiled. You are curious now, you just start with asks. ''W-Who is that?'' Everyone looks at you. ''Popular duelist!'' ''Yeah!'' Everyone accepted that. You laughed with them. ''Okay, how he looks?'' One girl started to yell, waving in front of you. ''Oh! Oh! I know! He have mark across his face! And--'' ''And he have grey eyes, with messy hair!'' And one boy added also. ''And he looks like a bird in some way!'' They are all laughed at the boy. You gave to the little gang a bright smile... Then, one tall guy sit next to you. ''Huh!?'' You turned to him. And then, you realized something, that's the guy who kids actually describe. ''Hey there kids! I see, you have a great time with (Y/N)!'' Kids started to yell. ''Crow!!!'' They started hugging him tightly, but then, they pushed both of you on the ground.

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