❤ Apologize?

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This is second part! If you don't understand, read previous part! (Cheating!)
I don't own any ''Yu-Gi-Oh!'' Character!
And also, sorry please for my REALLY bad English! ;w; 

Yugi Muto:
You are now in the school. Classes are done, and you decide to finally apologize and said the truth to Yugi, your little boyfriend. You sighed nervously, trying to approach to him. He is packing his books for school in his bag. Suddenly, he looked at you up, and raised an eyebrow. ''Y-Yugi.'' You smiled, trying to act normal. ''I'm sorry.'' You said silently, then, you notice that you and Yugi are only in the class. So you try to act better, no one can hear you two. ''I'm really sorry for acting like idiot,'' You looked at him, he smiled warmly at you. ''Hey, (Y/N),'' He stood up and quickly hug you, you looked at him down. ''I'm sorry too! I'm acting strange, plus, I was been nervous that day also.'' You kneel down, and kiss your little boyfriend on the forehead. ''I love you?'' You said. ''I love you.'' He added.

Yami Yugo:
Well, It's night, so, you can just go outside and get some fresh air. Walking and walking, you don't know what to do first. To apologize to Yami, or just to ignore that. But, he'll never ignore your problems, he is always been there for you. Trying to hold back again damn tears, you feel rain and wind. ''Oh no, rain.'' You whispered to your self and feel your wet hair. ''Oh no! My hair~!'' You whispered again to yourself. If Yami is here, he'll take off his blue jacket and covered you, or many more things that will take you away from rain. But now, you are just one person on the street. Without someone you love the most. ''Need umbrella, ma'am?'' You heard familiar voice behind you. You turned to, Yami. ''Y-Yami?! How did you find me?!'' He just smile and give you umbrella. ''I know everything about you, (Y/N).'' You hugged him. ''Can I just said, s-sorry Yami?'' ''You don't have to be sorry my ma'am. I know you'll never cheat on me.'' You smiled warmly with face in his chests.

Seto Kaiba:
You know he'll never say sorry for that he is acting angry. So, you need to apologize first. Approaching to his doors of office room, you sighed nervously. What is he going to say?! I know Seto don't want me back! But, that words didn't make you 'giving up' feeling. You feel now very brave, this is for Seto. You opened the door, and, well, bumped into Seto. He quickly looked at you. ''(Y/N)?'' He asked while you are smiling. ''Hello Seto...'' You said. ''I just wanted to say, sorry. You know, I'm really sorry fo-'' He hugged you tightly and kiss you. ''I miss you, (Y/N).''

Ryo Bakura:
You saw him on the street where you two first meet. ''Ryo!'' You yelled quickly waving at him with big smile on your beautiful face. He just looked at you, with his usually attractive and mysterious brown eyes. But, your perfect boyfriend, didn't say anything. He is still angry on you, nobody can touch you except him. He loved you, but, he didn't want to show that... ''Ryo?'' You called again. Your face is now sadly, you have no choice in this moment. You approach to him. ''Ryo, why don't you answer? I'm calling you!'' You said, hoping he'll response something, but, he didn't. ''Just, leave me, thank you.'' He said walking away. ''No! I won't!'' You approach to him, and for a big surprise, he hold your hand, but in roughly way, and he kiss you on the lips. You blush, but enjoy. He pulled back and whispered. ''I love you.'' You smiled. ''Love you too, and, sorry!'' 

Joey Wheeler:
You are in your room, watching some films. You don't want to go outside, or anything like that. You want to be alone, just you, and your cool stuffs. Everything is fine, but, without Joey Wheeler, everything is really boring and weird. You can remember his jokes, and his stupid answers every moment, and you, really, can't without that silly blonde guy. You want to see him, but, he didn't answer to you. He is angry now for sure. You took your phone, and for your surprise, you see his call and many messages. You called him this time, and he answer quickly. ''(Y/N)!?'' ''Joey!'' ''(Y/N), I can't without you! Can we see each other!?'' ''Of course! And I just want to say-'' ''I love you! Bye!'' ''B-Bye...'' You blushed, and smiled at your boyfriend. 

Jaden Yuki: 
You are in school, looking at how Jaden is awesome when he is dueling against some professors. But, he didn't say anything to you, he is still angry and he ignores you everyday. He is acting like you are not important person anymore... But, well, after some hours and hours sitting and watching your Jaden, you noticed that Jaden can't concentrate on the duel. He is giving you every second a glance. You and Alexis are just watching the duel, but suddenly, Alexis had something to tell you. ''See, he is very nervous.'' She said, then added, looking at your boyfriend. ''He can't concentrate! You know why?'' You looked at her curiously. ''W-Why Alexis?'' She sighed and looked at you. ''Because, he is loaded with you and your quarrel!'' ''How did you know that?'' ''He told everything to Surys, and well, he said then to me. Just, say something to Jaden. He'll be happy if you do that. Maybe is he acting strange and brave now, but, I know he is sad. I know Jaden very well!'' You turned to Jaden, and wave. ''Jaden!'' He looked at you quickly, yes! He is actually waiting just for this! ''Just kill that damn professor and won! I know you can do it!'' You are smiling warmly at, now, happy Jaden.

Yusei Fudo:
You are in hospital, lying on your bed, and looking at nurses, still trying to know what are you doing here. ''What happened to me?'' You asked and looked at nurse up. She smiled with widen eyes full of joy. ''Dear, you woke up finally! You are sleeping 17 hours!'' You made curious face. ''W-What!?'' but she interrupted you. ''You have a little, not too scary,  accident. Someone accidentally hit your head.'' She smiled warmly and let your parents in. ''You are now fine! Thanks God!'' Your mother smiled warmly. ''Our great and brave princess! She is now great!'' You giggled, looking at your father. ''Father, please, don't blame me! You know I don't like when someone call me a princess!'' You are laughing, while your mother is looking at you two with big smile. You are enjoying every moment and every joke with them, but suddenly, you heard nurse. ''Miss (Y/N)! One guy want to visit you.'' Your parents are look at each other, thinking, who could that be? They looked at one tall boy, with, well, crazy hair. (XD) ''Y-Yusei?!'' you blush with surprise. Your parents leave you two and nurse also. You both are in room alone. ''Yusei, I'm sorry! I'm really so--'' He gave you flowers. ''You don't have to be! Let's talk about something more important, are you okay?'' You smiled warmly, feeling some tears falling down. ''Y-Yes... I'm fine... Because,'' you hold his hand tightly. ''You are with me, Yusei.'' 

Jack Atlas: 
''Listen, I'm sorry!'' You are apologizing to Jack Atlas who is sitting in your cafe. ''Oh, okay. But I think you don't love me!'' Jack sighed. You looked at him with angry face. ''Oh Jack! You stupid, little liar! I love you so much!'' He is laughing. ''Okay, okay, I love you too (Y/N).'' You felt a little better. Then you sit on his lap, forgetting your job, and just enjoy being with him. 

Crow Hogan:
"(Y/N)?!" you widen your eyes when you see Crow sitting on the bench at night. "Crow?" you asked, still hoping that he is not angry at you. He stood up and hug you tightly. Then, he whispered on your ear sonething. "I'm sorry (Y/N), I'm sorry."
You smiled and kiss him. "I love you."


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