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• Video By: King Rider
• I don't own ''Yu-Gi-Oh'' Characters!
• I also don't own ''McDonald's''! XD

✸Yugi Muto:
He is now very shy, but, he knock on your door. Waiting for your answer, he got a little nervous. You opened the door quickly, sawing Yugi. The little guy who you saved last week. ''Oh- Y-Yugi? What are you doing here?'' You asked blushing. ''I, uh, just wanted to ask, do you want, to walk with me? We can go everywhere?'' He asked, you nodded. ''Well, why not? That sounds fantastic!''
You two are walking, and talking about what all happened this week. Every minute you will laugh with him. You notice that he is very smart and kind boy.

✸Yami Yugi:
Yami saw you. He thinks a little, yes! That's the girl i saved from enemies! He approach to you, when he wanted to say something, he first grabbed the red rouse. ''Hey, ma'am, where you are going?''
You turned to him, hearing the familiar voice. That sexy strong voice, yes, that's Yami. ''Y-Yami?!'' You blush. He just chuckle and give you red and beautiful rose. ''Here, for the beautiful girl!'' He then looks at your left leg. ''Uh, how is your leg now?'' You blush. ''Oh, it's fine! Also, thanks for the rose.'' You added. ''I'll go to the library now, do you want to go with me?'' Yami nods.

✸Seto Kaiba:
''So, actually, Mr. (L/N) is your father?'' You nodded, and look at him. ''He is very smart and great man.'' Seto added. ''Also, you look like him. You are very great person.'' You smiled. ''Thanks Mr. Kaiba...'' He smiled. ''Enough is Seto, but, no problem...'' After talking to Seto Kaiba, you decided to ask something. ''D-Do you want, you know, to go in the new park with me? Everyone is talking about that park, and he is beautiful!'' You smiled warmly. You, next to Seto? Ha! You look like a kid. You sound childish, when Seto is serious. But, that's not problem for you. Because, Seto and you are walking through that beautiful park, and enjoyed every moment together...

✸Ryo Bakura:
''So, uh, you want?'' ''Sure, I love cinema!'' You said when a bright smile is across your beautiful face.
You two are watching one cool, but scary movie. Ryo is serious, he is watching movie with understanding. While you are hiding your face, you can't see what will happened next in the movie!
After great time in cinema, you two started to talk. ''So, how is movie?'' Ryo asked you. You just sigh. ''I'm scared! I think I'll have problems with sleeping tonight!'' You said while you are laughing nervously.

✸Joey Wheeler
You are sitting on the chair, and read some book. You are in the library, and you don't want someone to interrupt you. You are reading one love story about girl and boy, and you can't imagine how they are loving each other. One day boy is--- ''Ah!'' You screamed in silent library. Joey is holding one flower bouquet. You widen your eyes, and raised an eyebrow. ''J-Joey!? W-What are you doing in the library?!'' ''I know I'll see you there! Do you want to come to my house? We can watch together po- I mean, romantic films or comedies!'' (XD) You sighed. ''N-No, please...'' You know actually what he wants. ''Oh, okay~ But, we can go to the, uh, McDonald's?'' You smiled. ''That sounds great Wheeler!''

✸Jaden Yuki:
''No Jaden! That card is lame!'' You said, while you are looking at that card. ''Whatever! This card will beat ya!'' You smirk. ''You sure, Yuki?'' He start to yell. ''Of course! Look--'' ''You just activated my trap card! Now I'm the winner!'' You laugh, while Jaden frowned. ''You are cheating!'' ''N-No! I'm not Jaden!'' Jaden give you a soft laugh. ''Hah, (Y/N), calm down. I know smart girl like you will always beat me. You won.'' Jaden cutely smile at your red face. ''You know, we can spend more time together...'' Jaden said.

✸Yusei Fudo:
''Oh, I don't know Leo, maybe, tomorrow?'' You ask as you finished with duel. ''B-But, I really want to learn more about duel monsters (Y/N)!'' You sigh, putting the cards in your bag. You stood up, but Leo pleaded. ''(Y/N), please (Y/N)! I need to learn more! You are very smart! And I want to learn--''
''(Y/N) Will help you with me!'' Yusei said, putting hand gently on (Y/N)'s shoulder. You blush, and turn to him. ''R-Really?!'' You asked a little curious, Yusei wants to spend time with you? ''Oh boy! Yusei and (Y/N) will teach me about duel monsters! How cool!'' Leo said in happy tone as he rushed upstairs to his sister. You sigh, knowing that Yusei's hand is still on your shoulder. ''You are nervous? I think beautiful girl like you don't deserve stress!'' He laughed a little, then he whispered gently on your ear. ''I think you are very smart, miss (L/N). And I'm glad because I finally met you.'' You blush. ''I'm glad too, Yusei.''

✸Jack Atlas:
You are done with your work at cafe. You sighed, knowing that day is over and night arrived. You looked up, stars are covering dark sky. And when you turned, you saw whole city, full of lights. You decided to walk alone, when you arrived to the center of big city, you saw ambulance. Knowing that your mom is there, you thought maybe to visit her. Just on five minutes... You smiled and approach to the ambulance a little. Then, you heard a familiar voice. ''Hey (Y/N).'' You heard man you loved the most, hot and handsome, Jack Atlas. You turned to him. ''H-Hey Jack!'' You wave, approaching to him. ''What are you doing here?'' You asked. ''Eh, I know that your mother is here, so, I wanted to see you.'' You nodded. ''Yes, my mother is here... And-'' Your mom saw you two. ''Oh, (Y/N)! Is this your boyfriend?!'' Your mom asked you with face full of happiness. You blushed while Jack laughed silently. ''N-No mom! He is my--'' ''Oh, gosh! Jack Atlas! How amazing!'' Your mom start smiling, and you felt like a fool. ''You two deserve some conversation alone! Without boring parents! Bye!'' Your mom laughed.

✸Crow Hogan:
You both leave house full of kids and their joy. You both shared stories about how fantastic kids are.
''Well, I wanted to say, kids love you!'' You laughed, looking at Crow who is blushing. ''Yes, but, kids love you more. Like, when you are singing for them, and drawing~ Whoa! You are amazing girl I ever met!'' Crow smiled at you, showing you his white teeth. You both are now bored, and a little tired.
Your house is far away, and you have no idea how to arrive on the time home. ''Look, I need to sit on the bench. I'm very tired.'' Crow sighed, sitting on the bench. You looked around, you both are in park, alone. When you saw red and yellow swing, you laughed, and approach to swing. ''C'mon, let's have some fun on swings, Crow!'' You yelled to your tired friend, who almost can sleep on bench. He opened his grey eyes, and saw your childish happy face on swing. ''You are not high enough!'' Crow said, looking at you. Approaching to you, he then grab the swing and you yelped. He actually helped you to be higher on the swing. You blush, feeling wind in your hair. You looked down at Crow, he is smiling at you.

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