❤ Cute Moments (Part 2)

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Here's the part 2!
►I don't own ''Yu-Gi-Oh!'' characters! ✔
►Video/Dubstep is by: Mr. RC ✔


Joey Wheeler
It was a sunny and beautiful day for a walk. Your boy is walking beside you, carrying a bunch of gifts. No, those gifts were not for you. These are mostly for his sister in hospital. You never meet Serenity before, but Joey surely always talks about her. He talked the most about their childhood events. ''I'm glad because you want to help me! You really are a girl that everyone would wanted!'' You just started to laugh, knowing how much Joey is funny. ''Can't wait to meet your sister, Serenity!'' You smiled. *Time skip* You were sitting next to a hospital bed, looking at his sister Serenity. She is really cute. Currently, you are listening what is she speaking, and laughing about every fact that she says about Joey. ''And then, Joey gets hit by him!'' She finished the words and you burst of laughing. Joey only blushed. ''Don't talk about it in front of my girlfriend, Serenity!'' Serenity stopped laughing at the second. ''Girlfriend! She is your girlfriend??'' Serenity smile widely. ''Oh my- She is so perfect and cute! I'm so glad because of you Joey!!!'' Serenity hugs Joey, then she hugged you tightly. You smiled, feeling her warm hug.

Jaden Yuki
It was a quiet night, nothing could be heard down the street and no one passed. The sky was clear, a lot of bright stars and one moon. You were alone in the house, you've decided to sit on the bed, doing nothing. But, suddenly, the doors of the house are opened. You quickly got up, thinking they were thieves or kidnappers, but you heard a tired voice that barely breath.
''J-Jaden!!!'' When you realize it was your boyfriend, you noticed a lot of scratches and dirty, tired face. ''J-Jaden!! What happened to you?!'' You grabbed him, showing your scared face.
''(Y/N), I, I promise I'll protect you from now on..'' You started to cry, feeling tears coming down your cheeks. ''What happened?...'' You put slowly his wounded body on the bed, helping him.
''T-They wanted to harm you, but I didn't allow it.. I had a long duel, and I won.'' He sighed tiredly. ''Now, I wanted to see you, you're okay, that's only what matters.'' You kissed his lips, while he is looking at your crying face already wet from tears. ''I'll call the doctors and you'll be okay, okay?'' He smiled, holding your hand. ''Okay my princess.''

Yusei Fudo
''Did we escape? They will not find us?'' ''All you need to do is to not worry (Y/N)...'' Yusei said, you felt strong arms around your shoulders. After a time of escaping and hiding everywhere, you and your boyfriend Yusei decided to finally admit that you two escaped. *TIME SKIP* ''C'mon, quickly! We should not approaching the light...'' Yusei said, looking at the black sky that is clear. ''I'm trying to be careful, don't worry Mister-Trouble!'' You called Yusei by one stupid nickname, but he actually deserves it. He put you in one unknown experience during the duel. Even though you won a duel, enemies continue to follow you two, no matter if they're using helicopters or cars. ''I'm sorry I said already.'' He said looking down, you two are currently on abandoned tower. ''Why are you looking down?! Are they here?!'' You asked, hoping you are in safe. ''We have to jump down.'' You heard his deep voice without any emotion at all. You widened your eyes, he really sounded serious. ''W-What? Why?! They're not here, we can just go back down by a stairs! Don't be stupid, you know we won't survive-'' He interrupted you. ''Hold my hand, there is no way, the stairs are broken.'' (Just imagine the stairs are broken ok xD) You started to yell at him. ''W-What?! N-NO. I won't just--'' He holds your hand and hug you tightly, pointing at the tree where you can safety jump on, ignoring almost everything that you said.
''Okay, whatever, remember -I'll always hate you for this!'' You said, he only smiles. ''Okay, love you.''

Crow Hogan
''I don't want to hear you Crow Hogan! We have guests, clean the garage!'' Martha is yelling at Crow, pointing down at the garage. ''Why would I ever clean the garage -they wouldn't come in-'' ''Shut up your ugly mouth and do what I say, Crow!'' Martha interrupted Crow who is acting like a lazy child with excuses. You were laughing silently. ''Oh Crow, why you can't be like my little girl (Y/N)? Why are you male without emotions?'' She said pinching your pink cheeks, also adding something. ''I want to have only daughters!'' She said, almost choking you in her long and tight hugs. ''Please (Y/N), when you have kids in future, I want you to have only girls!'' You blushed. ''I want to have only girls beside me, please, I want you to have a bunch of little girls!''
''Whaatt--!!!'' You and Martha heard Crow who tripped down the stairs...

Jack Atlas
''(Y/N), You will not believe!'' You raised an eyebrow. ''W-What?'' He opened a huge box, displaying one big and beautiful guitar with your favorite color -(F/C)! ''T-That guitar is beautiful, Jack!'' You widened your eyes, using that guitar in your hands. ''Can you show me how to handle that miracle?'' You blushed. ''Sure!'' As you start to sing some beautiful song.

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