❤ Jealous, Again?!

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• Video By: Yugioh AMVs
• I don't own ''Yu-Gi-Oh!'' characters!
• Btw, this awesome video with awesome song~ x3

✸Yugi Muto:
''I don't know! He is, uh, ugly?'' You said. You and Yugi are talking about boys from school. ''Uh, hu! You sure?'' Yugi raised an eyebrow. ''YUGI!!'' You yelled. 

✸Yami Yugi:
"Hey, where have you been? And, oh boy! Look at your clothes!" Yami's eyes widen. "Is someone raping you?! Who's that guy?!"
You sighed at your nervous boyfriend. "Yami, please, calm down. I was been on a beach with Tea." "..."

✸Seto Kaiba:
"T-That man! Seto, you fired him?!" Seto give you a glance. His ocean blue eyes now are looking at your nervous face. "Why that face, (Y/N)? You liked him?" Seto is playing with you. His voice is normal, but he seemed angry. "He didn't deserve that Seto! He have sick brother and he needs money!"
"Who cares? He was always next to you."

✸Ryou Bakura:
"Who is that guy? Maybe someone who wants you?" Ryou is looking at you. His face is full of anger. "Ryou, that's my friend from old school!" He shouted back. "I don't care (Y/N)! He is looking at you like he'll kiss you every second!" You leave his room and cry.

✸Joey Wheeler:
"Hey Joey, Isn't a problem if I go out?"
Joey is currently sick, and he can't do anything outside. You smiled warmly at him, waiting for his answer. "Maybe yes."
He said, and looked at you seriously. "Um, why?" "I don't want someone of boys to be next to you." "Joey, I'll be with my friend Tea." Joey pouted. "Oh, you mean your new lover? Tim?" "Joey, Tim is my brother!!" You yelled at Joey and leave his room.

✸Jaden Yuki:
"Who is this?" Jaden asked. "Jaden, that's my uncle." Jaden nodded, still looking at the pictures. "I knew that! This is your boyfriend! You are hugging him!" You sighed, and give the picture a glance. "J-Jaden," you made uncomfortably face. "That's my father."

✸Yusei Fudo:
You are always next to Yusei. Every goy who will approach to you, he'll already be dead. xD 

✸Jack Atlas:
"Jack, I hug him because--" "He is your boyfriend?!" "No! Because he is my little brother who is just taller than me!!" You yelled, almost wanted to slap Jack. 

✸Crow Hogan:
Nope!! :'D He loves you! 

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